Radios Now Use IP Connections To Extend Reach

Since its invention in the late 1890s, the radio has been a reliable tool for communication. Fast forward to today, more secure radio communications are now in place thanks to different technologies, including encrypted Radio over IP and secured IP consoles. 

RoIP (Radio over IP), in particular, offers a cost-effective way to connect radio systems and operators.  Radio over IP can extend their reach over analog UHF and HF transmissions. You can use RoIP to enhance connectivity both between established radio communication channels and and newer digital mobile radios by employing gateways for RoIP systems. These RoIP gateways are needed if an organization is transitioning from traditional to radio network systems that transport voice and data via internet protocols. 

How It Works

RoIP works the same as the Voice of Internet Protocol or VoIP. In a nutshell, VoIP works by transforming analog voice calls into data packets and sending these packets of data over to another party over an IP network. In RoIP, a push-to-talk (PTT) capability can be incorporated, ensuring more secure radio communications. Think of it as the integration of VoIP technology in an existing two-way radio network. An encrypted VoIP to radio over IP arrangement adds an encryption layer to the data packets after they have been encoded.

In this system, at least one node should be a radio device. The other nodes can either be a radio or any other device that you can access via the Internet (e.g., smartphones, dispatch consoles, desktop, or mobile applications). 

What Are Its Perks

Many organizations — both private and public sectors — have already incorporated RoIP into their communications system. If you are contemplating investing in this technology and wish to employ gateways for RoIP systems, here are some of the benefits that you will enjoy.

Expanded reach. Traditional radio systems rely on  microwave transmitters and frequency boosters. Not only is this expensive to maintain and scale — but there are also limits in terms of location and other geographic barriers. With RoIP gateways, you can increase your service area and boost your network’s flexibility (e.g., you can configure simultaneous connections to different sites or add repeater sites and dispatch locations more quickly). 

Improved interoperability. You can route calls made via RoIP to almost any type of radio system as long as there is a digital decoder on the other end. By allowing a mixture of radio types and manufacturers to transmit via IP, scaling your communication system can be much more convenient. You would not have to worry about the compatibility of devices or range limitations as you take on more devices to your network. 

Greater reliability. With the help of a Communication systems company in the USA, any type of organization, especially in the public safety sector and upgrade analog radios to use a digital network. In an RoIP-powered network, the interconnection between nodes, devices, and users is stronger. And because your network would not be subjected to a single point of failure, you can save resources by with digital re-routing. This boost in reliability also comes with a significant security improvement when encryption keys are part of an added layer. RoIP gateway software and hardware can safeguard your network from unauthorized access as well as data leaks through encryption. 

Increased productivity. In an RoIP network, configuration, command and control, and maintenance are centralized. Because operations are hosted via the Internet, remote management is also possible. Furthermore, as mentioned, downtime can be minimized in this setup whenever an issue arises. All these give a boost to the organization’s overall level of productivity without necessarily having to shell out a huge amount for the incorporation, scaling, and maintenance of the RoIP technology. This high return on investment is one of the many reasons why more radio networks now use IP connections to boost and strengthen their reach.

Why VoIP Security is So Important

Cost-effective, scalable, and easy to use, Voice Over IP or VOIP has modernized the way people communicate with each other. With this technology, analog audio signals are converted into digital ones and transmitted via the internet. However, like any other virtual data, these are vulnerable to cyber attacks. This is why VOIP security should not be taken lightly. 

Security threats, like technology, get more sophisticated over time. Attackers find new ways to get into a network and steal or use data maliciously. This does not only compromise critical business and customer information, it can also significantly affect your reputation and is often costly to resolve. According to an IBM report, the US tallied an $8.1 million worth of data breach in 2019 alone. 

Hence, businesses across several industries, big or small, should be concerned about protecting data they transfer online, including secure voice calls over IP. Here are some of the most common threats that jeopardize the security of a VOIP network. 

Denial of Service. A common VOIP security threat, DoS refers to an occurrence when attackers bombard a network with too many calls (usually coming from an automatic phone dialer), clogging phone lines, decreasing call quality, and prompting businesses to slow down or temporarily halt their operations. 

Eavesdropping. Cybercriminals can tap into unencrypted calls, "eavesdrop," and intercept sensitive data ranging from passwords to names and banking details of customers. 

Malware. As stated, VOIP calls are hosted over a data network. And one of the most common ways in which attackers can infiltrate a network is by spreading malware including viruses, Trojans, and bots. 

Spam and phishing. There are cyberattackers who use restricted or private caller IDs to scam customers. Through phone scam schemes, they can prey on users and deceive them to disclose sensitive data. 

How Can Businesses Make Their VOIP Network More Secure

With threats that range from simple to sophisticated, businesses have that responsibility to strengthen their VOIP security. Here’s how: 

Tap an accredited VOIP provider. First off, you must outsource your VOIP capabilities to a trusted provider. A communication systems provider in PA must be accredited, responsive, and have a roster of professionals who are trained and capable of addressing different security incidents. 

Make sure data is encrypted as it passes through gateways for RoIP and VoIP systems. To secure voice calls over IP, you must employ red black switching technology such as Transport Layer Security, Secure Real-time Transport Protocol, to encrypt your data — meaning, network outsiders won't be able to read the data you're transmitting. 

Install a firewall program. Setting up a firewall adds another layer of security between your server and the outside network. As much as possible, use advanced ones because these are capable of detecting and blocking malicious data packets. 

Use secure passwords. To prevent unauthorized personnel from getting access to your network, use strong passwords and store them securely (advise your employees not to copy-paste passwords in text files, or write them down in their sticky notes). On the hardware side of the fence, find a reliable source for voice switch for T1, fiber optic networks.

Monitor and address any unusual activity. One benefit of VOIP over traditional telephony is easier monitoring of call logs. Take advantage of it and always be wary of any unusual behavior or activity. Report any ghost calls or suspicious voicemails to your provider so that they can address them immediately.

Securing Radio Communications for Security Teams

The majority of the organizations that deal with the safety and security for others often have a team of security personnel that have direct access to an internal control center and other security teammates working that shift. Often these teams are equipped with two-way radios tuned to a specific frequency. Older analog devices used UHF and VHF radio wavelengths to transmit via transceivers, repeaters and receiver devices. Today, most businesses and institutions are networked and rely on internet protocols to transport data and voice. Your radio devices can also tap into these networks.

Why is there a need for secured communication?

Security officers and guards often make routine patrols and provide assistance to the general public. For them to be able to fulfill their duties effectively, it is crucial that they have secure radio communications that will allow them to be summoned should the need arise. 

In a much larger organization, there is typically a hub of the security operation. The calls made will be redirected to this hub and, in turn, a dispatcher will then contact a security officer situated in the nearest location where their service is needed. This is a highly efficient way of ensuring that no time is wasted trying to contact the security officer to inform them regarding the emergency. 

What are gateways for RoIP systems?

RoIP, also known as Radio over IP, is basically the way to send and receive data and voice packets, over a wide or local area networks based on internet protocol. This page answers the question, “What is radio over IP” best. There is a need for a device to convert a typical radio signal into a digital voice or data packets. We call this device a gateway device. 

What’s the difference between RoIP and VoIP?

So, why are gateways for RoIP systems important? RoIP takes advantage of digital networks the same way that telephone networks have transitioned to VoIP networks. VoIP or voice-over-Internet protocol is readily available to individuals and businesses for over 15 years now. While telephony requires certain protocols (in addition to VoIP) to setup, monitor and control calls, radio can function without all of these mechanisms. With RoIP, there is a greater sense of reliability and enhanced value, making contacting security officers a lot more efficient. 

How are two-way radios any better than our cellular phones?

So, if using RoIP gateways is more effective than traditional UHF and higher frequencies of sound wavelengths for sending and receiving data, how is it different from our cellular phones? Both two-way radios and cellular phones have their own list of pros and cons. To give you an overview, two-way radios are simple, easy to use, and very reliable, whereas our cellular phones are very complicated to use and typically will not last long in heavy industrial environments. 

On another note, cellular phones can be hijacked and paired without the user’s permission. Radios are the best way to ensure you maintain secure radio communications when required. Voice encryptions can also be employed easier for radio signals., Easier than buying a secure VoIP console for your business. In terms of security, the system on two-way radios is completely owned by the organization. There are no ongoing fees for service or airtime and it presents fewer opportunities to be misused by security officers.

RoIP is Not Concerned with a Clear Line of Sight

When it comes to using two way radios, the most common question we get from users would be how far can they communicate? To answer that question, one must be familiar how two way radios work.

Analog Radios Require a Clear Line Of Sight

Simply put, two way radios can transmit and receive radio waves carried over certain radio frequencies. 

The range where communication will be effective will depend on factors such as frequencies used, the power output of the radio, and most importantly, radio waves that travel via line of sight.

It is important to understand what is meant be a clear line of sight. Effective radio transmissions for years required an unobstructed path between receiving and transmitting antennas. To illustrate, imagine a person pointing a flashlight from the top of a hill to a person watching from an open window. With a clear line of sight, the radio waves will travel unobstructed and will result in a clear transmission. 

A clear line of sight is the ideal situation but in the real world, some obstructions may result in something that’s referred to as a near line of sight. Perhaps not the best clarity but it still works ok. It’s just like someone pointing a flashlight from the top of the hill but the light goes through treetops and the signal somehow gets scattered through the leaves, but the recipient is able to get the transmission.  

Then, there is the non-line of sight where the obstructions would highly impact the quality of the signal and may work or fail depending on the situation. In these situations, you would benefit from converting analog signals to digital radio packets and transmit these packets via digital networks.

Why Radio over IP (RoIP) Makes Life So Much Easier

Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP has paved the way for a more effective and efficient communication pathways regardless of any obstructions such as buildings, mountains and dense forests. RoIP makes full use of digital mobile radio communications. Instead of using antenna to receiver devices, it sends voice and data via an existing Internet Protocol (IP) infrastructure. 

Vocoders are used to convert analog voice signals into digital voice packets prior to transmission over IP networks such as a wide area network, local area networks and broadband IP networks. Routers and firewalls are used to secure a client’s network and the digital voice packets. Today a fleet of utility workers dealing with a power outage and downed phone networks for example can tap into other digital networks wirelessly. 

RoIP for utility fleets no longer have to depend on line of sight because it uses existing IP networks found in their vehicles, 3rd party infrastructures and the main command and control hub. This also translates to better reliability with much less downtime.

The flexibility of using RoIP for your fleet of service vehicles also means having better coverage through multiple sites, easily expanding your network, and interoperability between different types of communication devices. This, of course, leads to improved overall productivity and efficiency of organizations.

Smartphones Have Built in Encryption

It is hard to imagine a world without smartphones. Today, around 3.8 billion people, or half of the population of the world, are estimated to own at least one. It is a primary tool used for communication. And unbeknown to many, without the concept of encryption, the very foundation of secure voice communications would not exist and users will be vulnerable to hackers. 

Encryption is a vital concept for communication engineers and professionals. It is the process in which a device protects its data against unauthorized users and cyber attacks. Data is encrypted through a special algorithm that transforms it into an unreadable one. A decryption key needs to be used to decode and read this data. 

In the case of the mobile phones today, PIN codes, Touch ID fingerprints, and Face ID recognition features serve as another layer of security. This enables the users to access their respective gadgets, read their messages, and browse through their files. When users lock their phones with any of these keys, their personal data will be encrypted by default and difficult to hack. 

Encryption in iOS Devices

Experts in voice encryption know how Apple takes the science of cryptography seriously to protect their users’ data (Case in point: The FBI themselves failed to access an iPhone 5C). 

For iPhones with iOS 8 and newer versions, users can generate a passcode and a touch ID (it is only a pass code in older iOS versions). These menus can be accessed in the Settings. For newer iPhone models (i.e., X, XS, XS Max, XR, 11, 11 Pro Max, 12 Mini, 12, 12 Pro, and 12 Pro Max), Apple amped up their security by deploying a facial recognition system. 

Data that is backed up through Apple’s software is also encrypted.

Encryption in Android Devices

Over the past years, Android has also stepped up their encryption game. Now, most of their latest smartphone units are equipped with default encryption. As in iPhones, Android-powered devices also utilize PIN codes, and face and fingerprint recognition as decryption keys. When connected to Wifi, the Android devices use secure voice calls over IP with multiple layers of encryption. 

However, Android phones in the lower part of the pricing echelon are typically not encrypted as tightly as iPhones. This makes users of these leaner devices more vulnerable to intruders. Changing this landscape, Android is now running efficient encryption protocols to be able to make low-end devices more secure. Similar to iCloud, your data is encrypted when you backup through the cloud software of Google. 

Beyond Phone Encryption

Having secure voice communications may require smartphone encryption engineers to program an encryption layers for added protection. Apart from the built-in encryption of smartphones, many messaging apps that users download and use also feature the so-called encrypted messaging by default (such as WhatsApp and iMessage). This type of encryption prevents hackers from reading whatever is sent and received by devices. 

Some apps do not offer end-to-end encryption by default, such as Skype and Facebook Messenger. However, they provide a secret messaging option that allows users to encrypt their messages. 

Radios and Cell Phone Interoperability

The concept of secure radio communication systems can be traced back to the 1800s. More than two centuries later, the use of two-way radios has become dominant across several industries — from the police workforce, emergency use, the military to businesses and academic institutions. 

While this technology offers a number of advantages over more modern communication tools — including durability and reliability especially in remote locations — it can still be maximized through the concept of radio and cell phone interoperability. This breaks radio’s limitations and allows it to be operated along with other voice networks. 

The Emergence of Network-Based Solutions

To connect radios with cell phone users, radio communication systems should be integrated with other types of networks. But how do these network-based solutions work? 

The base of these solutions is an intelligent network composed of a server, a push-to-talk management center, routers and other components, and land mobile radio (LMR) gateways. The LMR gateway, in particular, is tasked to convert traffic coming from analog radios into Internet Protocol (IP) packets. With this, the network-based solution will be able to expand the traditional radio’s reach. In this network, radio channels are mapped to an IP multicast address — and any user that has access to IP-linked gadgets can join the previously closed-off push-to-talk network. 

The Advantages of IP-based Radio System

The benefits of having secure radio communication systems has been proven the ability to have private, uninterrupted conversations that prevents hackers and malicious persons from misusing when is transferred by the two parties communicating.

Radios communications can be enhanced once they become interoperable with other voice networks, including cellular phones. 

IP-based radio interoperability. which allows user to connect radios with cell phone user, offers the following advantages: 

It is easy to install, deploy, and use. Compared to other alternatives, IP-based networks are easier and quicker to install than building out a high frequency radio infrastructure. They are also easier to use and deploy, further boosting their cost-effectiveness. 

It makes communications more efficient. Once you make secure radio communication systems interoperable, it will be easier for you to make operations more seamless and communications, more efficient. With cellular network usage dominating communication traffic, the ability to connect radios with cell phone users allows for more efficient communications. Additionally, command-and-control features will become more streamlined — allowing you to save more of your resources in the process. 

It is scalable and flexible. Communication needs change as time goes by. What makes IP-based radio interoperability a superior solution is its flexibility and scalability. Layering on gateways for RoIP systems has become very simple for the entities involved. 

It offers security. Communication networks should first and foremost be secure. So should the network that allows the interoperability of two different voice networks. IP-based interoperability is known to offer more layers of security before a user gets access to a talk group. 

It offers better access to crucial data. Once a user enters a network via an RoIP gateway, he or she can gain access to database information (e.g. Geographic Information Systems data) and relay that data to anyone who might be needing it. Ultimately, this will create a communication platform that’s more resilient, efficient, and collaborative.

Dispatch Consoles Need to be Compatible, Customizable & Scalable

In any public service sector or field service industry, no matter what the size of the organization is, communication with your remote employees is key. Especially if you’re managing huge operations. You will need to have a command center and mobile configuration that has reliable radio communication channels. This is where a properly configured dispatch radio console provides hefty advantages.

For you to ensure that all teams are well-coordinated, your dispatch systems must be developed for you to communicate across different radio systems, frequencies, cellular networks and more traditional VoIP networks.

The Basic Components of an Ideal Dispatch System

For a dispatch system to work smoothly, it must have the following basic components:

Console. This is the core component of your system because they are equipped with facilities to control either one or multiple remote stations.

Two-way radios. For quicker and more direct communication, digital mobile radios with PTT capabilities are essential. It allows users to bypass the console operator or command center when necessary.

IP Gateway and the LAN or WAN networks you can tap into.

The Advantages of a Dispatch System

There's a several good reasons why public safety organizations who have mission-critical communication centers rely on a high quality dispatch radio console system.

Police, fire, ambulance, transportation, electric or utility workers require a single point of contact since there are many moving parts to public service that needs to be orchestrated by someone with a cool head. Often the person voicing the need initiates a call request by telephone. Emergencies then need to be put through a verification and triage process to validate and prioritize the need before remote units closest to the scene can be dispatched. The operator uses an IP-based dispatch console that may have to interface with all types of legacy analog radios, digital P25 radios, a VoIP telephone network and data applications. Not all dispatch consoles offer a seamless experience for the end-user.

Changing Communication Needs

While a dispatch system, in its most fundamental form, is superior to not having a single point of contact, it’s best to invest in a system that can accommodate your changing communication needs. Especially when it comes to the console, which is the core component of your system.  Your radio dispatch system should be customizable and scalable. It should be compatible with all mobile devices you already have deployed plus flexibility to accommodate newer devices that you may purchase over the next ten years.

Therefore, you have to identify your current and future equipment needs. How is the equipment being used? Who will be utilizing it? What are your organization’s future goals -- and how can your equipment be used to help achieve those goals? Which features are most suitable to your demands?

Of course, you also have to consider what your budget is. Consider a dispatch radio console system that is within your financial reach. For you to get the most value from your money, you have to choose the best two-way radio dispatch equipment that has longevity. Choose a supplier that offers radio interoperability solutions that align with your current resources. This way, you can guarantee that they can supply a dispatch system that can be customized and scaled according to your current and future needs.

Mobile Command Vehicles Are State of the Art

Never has the importance of mobile command vehicles been stressed more than during big disasters like hurricane Katrina or today, as the world struggles with the the civil unrest in the US and the Covid-19 calamity. The political division in communities and cities across the US have demonstrated the need for communications control centers which should have been able to respond to the victims’ needs. This is why a lot of states are now investing in mobile command centers. Hopefully, these measures would save lives in the event of future demonstrations that turn violent. 

Why Are Mobile Command Centers So Important

Investing in a command and control console to help manage radio communications from these command centers is now necessary because natural calamities like earthquakes and floods can easily cripple a municipality’s communications center. How could rescuers communicate with their citizens in need and with each other if the primary command center is down? During Hurricane Katrina, a number of police stations were disabled and abandoned because of the flood. If there was only a more mobile and flexible command center that could move away from the hazard, rescuers would have been able to act more swiftly and more efficiently. 

Why Radio over IP (RoIP)?

While going mobile is ideal, it can be expensive if the communication channels are not chosen properly. RoIP for municipalities can provide the same accessibility without breaking the city’s budget. Why is it so affordable? RoIP uses the Internet which is more accessible and less expensive than analog radio networks using traditional communications antennas for VHF, UHF and High Frequency bandwidths. 

When RoIP is also integrated with existing network infrastructures like VPN, LAN, and WAN, there is no need to build a new network infrastructure using expensive hardware. Most companies and communities already have well established digital networks that digital mobile radio communications can piggyback on. A privacy partition and firewall are often already in place to protect network data and a RoIP gateway is a smaller piece of hardware that would be needed to bridge the gap. 

Reliability and productivity

RoIP communications can be controlled remotely using internet protocols to manage communication pathways. Should something happen to the mobile command center, the communications can be rerouted easily. Another remote base station using a laptop computer is often supporting backup operations. The communication lines can remain open as long as one party is still connected to the Internet. 

This means more reliability for these mobile command centers. There is a Plan B, a Plan C, and a Plan D should things go wrong in the handling of the rescue operations especially during a disaster. The best thing about this arrangement is that these backup plans do not require expensive hardware and the specialized skills of a communications engineer. 

The internet is a global infrastructure and as long as the software is configured with the right device IP’s, location of the communicants is less important. Imagine the possibility of having centralized strategies during these calamities. Since not all states are hit during a single calamity, it’s so much easier to send out aid for those who need them. 

Any Security Issues

Of course, RoIP solutions also need to be secure for it to be the ultimate solution. However, with the affordability of these RoIP solutions for municipalities, it’s easy to pair them up with firewalls and other security measures to ensure that no data is ever compromised.

Radio Over IP Is Not New Just More Affordable

Radio over IP is an effective and low cost solution for those companies that are using older hardware for two way radio communications to connect with employees, security teams and service personnel and just don’t have the dollars to upgrade to all new digital mobile radios throughout their organization.

Using radio over the Internet is no longer a new means of communication. Just like VoIP communications, the sound of your voice needs to be converted into a digital signal that travels over your existing network or the internet. The device that does this conversion is called a voice encoder or vocoder. Converting analog voice signals to a digital format also is old technology that dates back to the 1950’s. The telecom giants have been digitizing and packetizing digital voice for many years. What is new is how analog radio communications are able to take advantage of digital vocoders and RoIP gateways to transmit digital voice with a minimal investment.

RoIP is a smarter alternative to the more conventional radio systems. Some of the radio over IP applications are large entertainment venues, metropolitan bus and train transportation networks, large field services teams that deploy engineers and technicians for repairs and campus security teams for universities, business campuses and manufacturing organizations that are spread across acres. If you have people in the field at different locations, it is more practical and less costly to have a digital mobile radio communications rather than using cellular networks. The system works by establishing a Session Initiation Protocol. A connection is made between two parties on the Internet. The server compresses the voice traffic into digital streams and sends them through this connection.

RoIP systems have proven to be cost-effective, reliable, and highly flexible. It has enabled workers and managers involved in large projects that are spread over a large geographic area to communicate with one another. You can put your RoIP system on the same network as your computer system, which makes it easy to maintain the security of both.

If you have decided to invest in this technology, it is important to take robust measures to secure it. Red/black switching is a type of encryption protocol that has been in sue by the department of defense and public safety operations for years and is now available to more commercial applications. Working with a company that is familiar with secure voice communications would be an important criterion in your selection process. Deploying a red black encryption system on your own is not advisable.

Gateways for RoIP systems have become smaller, smarter and more affordable in the past few years. The vendor you work with should be transparent from the beginning. They should offer you a range of options and be open about the advantages and disadvantages of each. Your people will also need training on the new system and therefore the communication systems provider you choose should include training into their package. This is especially important if you plan to put the RoIP system in the field right away.

In addition to training your people, the vendor should commit themselves to providing maintenance for at least a 2-year period. Should anything go wrong with the system, then the communication systems company in the USA you had install and program your RoIP gateways must be available to resolve any issue.

Protect Yourself Against Top VoIP Security Threats

You must protect data, information, and confidentiality in your company. Nowadays that is not an easy thing to do. Hackers and snoopers of all sorts are constantly scavenging for information. You should assume that your company has been targeted and take appropriate action. 

One of the most effective ways to keep your voice communications secure is to install a VoIP phone system. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It is an alternative to the conventional telephone systems, which is also known as a public switched telephone network. VoIP is used by companies that have a distributed management and operations organization. If your company has people and business units all around the world, it is more practical and less costly to have a cloud-based phone systems.

There are plenty of companies that offer VoIP services. Radio communications are a bit more challenging to secure. More field based personnel are using digital mobile radio communications today. Using encrypted radio over IP (RoIP) is how to lock down those conversations. Security is one of the most important features of VoIP and RoIP systems. You and your colleagues should be able to make secure voice calls over ip but may require a communications system integrator to configure the encrypted VoIP to radio over IP components. 

How VoIP Works

In VoIP, calls are established using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). A connection is made between two parties over the Internet backbone. The SIP server compresses voice traffic into digital streams and sends them through this connection. 

Companies have shifted to VoIP because it is cost-effective and flexible. If a large section of your workforce regularly works from home, using a VoIP network allows everyone to keep in contact and to share data and information. VoIP and computer systems use the same network, which means that your IT staff or IT provider must maintain only one secure network. 

The Realities of VoIP Security

The lower costs, increasing popularity and accessibility of VoIP makes it a target of attackers who wish to exploit it. The placement of malware on VoIP systems, the breaching of databases, and the institution of payment fraud are just some of the many threats and breaches that have occurred in VoIP networks. It is estimated that the cost of such breaches reached $8.1 million in the United States in 2019. Healthcare, finance, and energy are the industries most affected by VoIP hackers and cyber criminals. 

The top threats to VoIP systems include:

1. Denial of service 

This attack saps resources from the network to interrupt phones service.

2. War dialing 

In this attack, the assailant seizes control of your hosted PBX and uses it to scan other telephone networks. 

3. Phishing 

In this type of attack, unsuspecting victims are lured into divulging passwords and other sensitive data. 

5. Spam 

Involves the use of robocalls and other phone scams.

6. Malware 

This uses malicious software to infiltrate your network and gather sensitive data and information.

A typical communication systems company in the USA can make sure you own secure, quality products and you as the customer are completely satisfied. If you are looking for ways to improve your company’s communications system, you should make the switch to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Radio over Internet Protocol (RoIP).

Bridging VoIP and Radio Communications With a Gateway

Radio transmission is used in many applications, including first responders, helicopters, hospitality, construction, maintenance and campus security. Voice over IP is used by large service providers to connect users for voice communications across broadband instead of traditional phone lines. RoIP or radio over IP is a similar philosophy but focuses solely on radio frequencies. It is made possible with RoIP gateways.

Voice over IP and radio over IP both use the same mechanism to transmit voice data. CODEC is used on the transmitting end to convert spoken messages to digital data. It is then assembled into UDP packets and transmitted at intervals. On the receiving end, the digitized UDP packets are converted by CODEC into the spoken voice you hear.

Common Applications of RoIP

If you are considering RoIP gateways but aren't sure if it is the right move for your business, it can be helpful to understand how it can expand your radio coverage. The most common applications are replacing a UHF/VHF link between repeaters, replacing the leased line connection from a console to a repeater, replacing the leased line connection between multiple repeaters, or increasing coverage over remote or steep terrain. Other applications include bridging multiple repeaters and connecting radio with PBX networks.

RoIP Connections

With RoIP, you can achieve access to remote radios and connect radios to dispatch consoles or a telephone gateway. The connections may be point-to-point, point-to-multipoint or cross-band, also known as unicast, multicast and conferences.

When one-to-one communication is critical, unicast transfers voice data to a single IP address. A point-to-multipoint or multicast transmission sends one RoIP packet simultaneously to several devices via a shared IP address. Cross-band or conferences allow multiple devices to share the same RoIP packet within the group. Conferences are similar to multicast but are much easier and more effective when used in larger networks.

Benefits of RoIP

There are many benefits of implementing gateways for RoIP systems:

  • Interoperability between disparate radio systems like HF, UFH and VHF and corporate Voice over IP systems

  • Less cost to upgrade infrastructure such as when replacing wireless links, leased lines and reduced cabling

  • More reliable communication within an IP network

Importance of RoIP

It is vital to find an experienced communication systems provider in PA when you are seeking a reliable bridge between your radio and VoIP systems. The technology is used heavily in military and emergency communications and is certainly a vital technology to the future in this space. No doubt RoIP offers reliable, secure voice transmission that can save lives. Regardless of your industry, transitioning from analog radio to RoIP communications can enhance communications with field personel to a central dispatcher in your business. To find the best gateways for RoIP systems, there are some capabilities you should look for:

  • APIs for custom integrations and application development

  • Blast dial

  • Conferencing

  • Control consoles

  • Full switching and routing

  • PTT pass-through

  • RoIP encryption

For questions, contact an experienced communication systems provider in PA today. They can help you find out how RoIP gateways can benefit your business.

Secure Mobile Communications Over IP Radio Networks

Internet Protocol (IP) radio is an excellent way of sending and receiving audio or data-based digital voice packets. Using radio through IP gateways will allow you to piggyback on various LAN (Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network) networks. You can also use data and voice encryption at the gateway to achieve secure mobile communications. The benefits of using this technology radio over IP technology is to reduce unnecessary hardware costs, improved reliability, and better interoperability.

How Does Radio over IP Work?

Radio over IP (Internet Protocol) is the process of sending and receiving radio transmissions using portions of the Internet. It takes advantage of existing data networking protocols. Vocoders are used to convert analog voice signals into digital voice packets prior to transmission over IP networks. Routers encryption protocols and firewalls are used to secure a client’s network and the digital voice packets.

Radio over IP offers a low-cost way to upgrade older radio systems. Most organizations already have LAN or WAN suites built for networking, digital sharing, data storage and trasnmissions, which means there is no need to build a new communications suite before deploying a radio IP solution. Digitized voice packets sent over IP can be easily channeled to many of the older radio systems as well as newer land mobile radios. You can connect HF, UHF, and VHF radios with cell phones, VoIP phones, and SIP enabled devices, which will move your organization closer to unified communications.

If your operation requires secure mobile communications, then you may need a separate layer for encrypting digital radio packets and transmitting secure radio transmissions using IPsec protocols. Using radio encryption terminals will allow your team to carry out vital tasks while maintaining operational security.

Re-Making Secure Mobile Communications in Your Organization

If you need to upgrade and better encrypted VoIP switch, a more secure radio communications system in your organization, then you will need the best radio IP devices and equipment. This can only be found with a communication systems provider that understands radio signaling too. You need to install the proper radio over IP gateways to convert analog to digital packets but that may be the only piece of hardware you require. More secure mobile communications can be achieved through encryption protocols.

Then process of installing such equipment and training your people all starts with a phone call to the right provider. The company from which you purchase your secure communications equipment should also dedicate itself to giving detailed and effective instruction on how to use it. The equipment you have installed should also come with a warranty. You should be able to exchange faulty devices or have them repaired if that is possible—all at no extra cost.

Dispatchers Today Need Communication Tools that are Diverse

Controlling costs and streamlining your fleet dispatching processes are at the core of many service-oriented companies where you have a crew in the field. The advances in communication technology never takes a break so chances are that the technology you implemented only three years ago is now old news. Today dispatch operators are reaching field personnel via digital mobile radios, SMS push notifications, cellular data transmissions and rich media packets sent via VPN’s to tablets.

Security of your communication transmissions is even more important today than it was three years ago too. Orion Systems are experts in programming encryption protocols for the voice and data packets sent via their dispatcher consoles since they have been supplying solutions to the US military for over 30 years. Our systems also offer extra features such as GPS-transmitted location services, remote monitoring, temporary disabling of devices and emergency management which can be employed for many different applications.

Real-time tracking of any asset’s location helps dispatchers better understand potential scheduling challenges and allows you to see whether staff are approaching high-risk zones or moving outside their authorized areas. Our dispatch consoles can also remotely monitor a radio’s microphone and a supervisor will be able to effectively determine a user’s safety and wellbeing.

If one of your vehicle radios is stolen or interfering with normal communications, allowing you to disable a unit while still tracking its physical location which can be beneficial especially in cases of emergency.

Boosting Productivity

When it comes to communicating efficiently with a fleet of mobile radios using VoIP radio networks, Orion Systems dispatch consoles is a wonderful addition to your communications arsenal.

One of the key benefits to your productivity is that cell phones can be integrated into a system and used to connect with both radio users and cellular devices. The solution allows you use existing digital mobile radios, properly configured Android operating systems with a PTT feature while streamlining communication channels.

Orion Systems Inc is a communications systems company in the USA proficient at radio over IP applications. Our dispatcher consoles are affordable solutions and can be customized to your specific needs. We are also experts at secure voice communications for command and control consoles.

Finding the Right Dispatch Radio System for Municipal Use

Whether for police, fire, ambulance, infrastructure or any other need, municipal dispatch radio systems are essential components of daily operations. In many cases, they are used for mission-critical communication. When you choose a system for your agency, you need to be confident it can meet your significant requirements while also being sufficiently cost-effective.

Streamlined User Experience

The right system should have IP radio dispatch consoles that are easy-to-use and customizable. Smooth operations can be literally a matter of life and death in some circumstances. Even in less dire situations, intuitive and user-friendly systems help reduce costs, avoid errors and keep your organization running like clockwork.

When looking for an IP radio dispatch system that provides powerful and configurable interfaces, look to a communications system provider that understands radio over IP. With functionality for tablets, workstations, laptops and other components, this choice is easy to fit into and enhance your current operations only if you hire the right provider to do the integrations.

High Redundancy

Mission-critical communication can’t be interrupted due to a hardware fault or another issue. The key to ensuring consistent uptime is enough redundancy. With backup communication servers and gateways, an effective dispatch system will help your agency avoid any operational interruptions.

By choosing a dispatch console engineer you are comfortable working with, you can be guided to a system that can be simply implemented with different levels of redundancy. Not all operations need perfect uptime. Our solution can be tailored to your needs.

Advanced Architecture

Every organization has finite resources that can be put towards dispatch radio systems. With the right architecture, your chosen system can help you better manage your communication network. It should also be scalable to help you always have the right system complexity and resources for your needs.

The architecture of Orion Systems’ solution can provide that and more. The right partner can customize and scale to meet your current needs. With control features such as per circuit volume, patching and more, you have the right toolset built on the right architecture.

Compatibility and Control

Your dispatch console engineers need to have the flexibility and control to implement and operate the system the way that works for your organization. With call control options such as muting, simu-select, volume management, conferences, holding and more, your team using dispatch will have everything it needs to efficiently manage communication on the system.

Furthermore, the right solution has compatibility with a diverse range of other equipment. Whether you want to work with VoIP, RoIP, radio, PBX, digital radio or another system, our solution can work with it.

Is Tactical LTE a Good Fit for Field Communications?

Are you interested in a long-term evolution of your tactical field communications? LTE technology has a lot to offer communication teams in military, commercial, law enforcement, municipal and similar mission critical organizations. However, whether is it a good fit and a worthwhile investment is a more complex question than the features it offers.

Is Your Operating Environment a Good fit for Tactical LTE?

Consider the weather, terrain and consistency of the operating environment. Ask yourself these questions:

  • How common is intense weather such as heavy storms and low clouds?

  • What are the common natural barriers such as mountains, valleys and bodies of water?

  • How much control does your team have over the environmental conditions?

LTE is an excellent choice in stable, domestic settings. However, it can face challenges in tumultuous areas, regions with significant natural barriers and very remote areas. Line-of-sight obstructions may make tactical use of LTE challenging.

Nonetheless, the technology can be useful in tactical situations. The U.S. Navy began using LTE in 2012. Furthermore, when combined with satellite communication in a redundant system, LTE can be highly effective even in challenging environments.

What Are Your Alternatives?

Evaluate your alternative technologies. These may include government and private-sector satellite communications, civilian cellular networks, UHF radio communications and other similar options.

Typically, the most effective field communication solutions combine two or more alternative technologies. Relying on any single solution can be a significant risk. The security of communication networks is an important consideration. Over-reliance on private-sector and civilian networks may expose you to unnecessary vulnerabilities. A closed LTE network could be a viable answer to security concerns.

How Can Tactical LTE Be Deployed?

If tactical LTE seems like a viable solution for your circumstances, it may be time to take steps towards its application. This process is often easiest with an experienced communications systems company working to provide insight and guidance.

One key challenge is ensuring communications interoperability for radios. If you have a communication system that leans on a radio dispatch console for routing LTE, radio frequencies and satellite, you want to avoid a situation in which your users need significant technical knowledge to use the system. The ideal situation is one in which the communication needs can be routed through a command and control console, enabling the communications team to manage which networks are used when.

This approach alleviates the need for field operators to make determinations about their communication methods. It can also help you make sure your technologies are used as efficiently as possible. This is particularly important in turbulent environments such as warzones or during severe weather.

LTE can be a powerful tactical-communications tool. However, it is only effective when deployed in a thought-out and fully developed model.

Is It Time to Replace Your Legacy Hardware With IP-Based Communications?

Technology can either help or hinder your business operations. This is especially true when it comes to telecommunications systems. You have two viable options for audio and data processing. You can keep your legacy hardware or upgrade to IP-based communications? To make the best decision, you must weigh the pros and cons of each.

Legacy Hardware

Legacy is another way of saying old. Although legacy devices have been around for decades, they are still widely used across various industries. The rise of new IP solutions calls into question the viability of using legacy hardware. Despite this, older technology has its advantages and disadvantages.


There are a few reasons to continue using legacy hardware. The most obvious reason is that it still works. Additionally, team members know the old system, which helps maintain continuity within a company. Finally, people like familiarity. They can use the system without the need for significant support or technical assistance. There is also a significant investment required to update hardware, software and the resources required to implement changes to IP based communications is cost prohibitive at this time.


There are downsides to legacy hardware that make IP-based architecture a more desirable option. Here are a few drawbacks:

  • Legacy hardware delivers a Lower ROI

  • Older Systems Create a Greater security threat

  • Discontinued tech support

  • Time-consuming data exportation

  • Stored information at a physical location or local device

IP-Based Communications

IP-based technology relies on a voice switch system. It differs from legacy TDM networks because it has nodes or intelligent endpoints. These node switches contain all the audio summing resources, data, processing and switching capabilities needed to run properly. Additionally, they use standard and Ethernet links for transporting communications.


There are benefits to using IP voice switches. It is cost-efficient because there is no need to invest in additional electrical wiring and outlets. Security features are built-in. It is capable of giving multiple users access to common communication assets. Switches are an ideal combination of performance, flexibility and functionality. They allow for interoperability from an IP based PBX console with radio over IP devices used by first responders and security personnel.


Embracing new technology, like Fiber Optic voice conference switches, does have its challenges. It can slow down user productivity during the learning curve. There may be operators still using older radio dispatch consoles but ramping up to IP based radio consoles is a much easier transition than you may think. Plus, the initial cost may be too high for organizations that have a tight IT budget.

Rely on Proven Solutions

Keep the old technology or bring in with the new tech? That is a question business stakeholders face regarding legacy hardware versus IP-based communications. Finding communication engineers that support legacy hardware is more difficult today. What you decide depends on factors, such as cost, dependability and performance. For many companies, upgrading to voice switches is the only way to go.

Bridging the Voice Gaps With Switching Technology

Switching establishes connections between telecommunication network nodes or routes. In the past, switchboard operators manually switched connections so that people were able to communicate through telephone networks. Today, switching technology is highly advances allowing digital voice packets travel between IP addresses within telecommunications networks. Let’s take a look at some of the basics.

Switching Technology Basics

The technology includes local, tandem and transit switches. Telecommunications providers use local switches to support specific areas and tandem switches to connect various switches within a network. Transit switches support long-distance connections. The three main switching types are circuit, packet and message. Here's a little more information about each type.

  1. Circuit Switching

One of the most common switching types, circuit switching enables data transmission by establishing a dedicated route between the sender and the receiver. For data transmission to occur, a link must be set up, held and released. The route is set the instant the connection is active, and the connection lasts for the length of the conversation.

  1. Packet Switching

As its name implies, packet switching organizes data in packets or blocks. Each packet features a header that includes source, destination and node address details. It then reaches its destination via different routes. This type of independent routing reduces bandwidth load and overcomes transmission interruptions. In some telecommunications networks, such as cellular communications, packet switching incurs a fee per unit of transmitted data.

  1. Message Switching

Message switching is the transmission of a message through radio and telecommunications networks. While circuit switching involves a dedicated route between the sender and receiver, message switching does not rely on dedicated routes. Each message has its own destination source address and the network treats it as an independent entity. The network can send it on the most efficient route through a system of intermediate devices until it reaches its destination. Message switching relies on storage and forwarding and is also known as Store and Forward Switching. Email is a prime example of message switching.

Learn More About Switching Technology

Working for a communications system company in the USA, we are required to fully understand digital switching technologies. At a local level, we can configure and install an E1 switch for companies that seek to manage internal telecommunications traffic more effectively. Some clients are seeking more secure voice communications through packet encryption. So we need to install an encryption device that secures conversations before the data packets leaves the private networks of that company.

Any IP Network Can Be Used With RoIP Technology

There is nothing new about Voice over IP, the technology was originally developed back in 1973 but not commercially embraced until the year 2000 when companies like Cisco, 3Com and Lucent Technologies began making hardware to allow for the digitization of analog voice and data into packets. Early adopters were using the public internet to transport these data packets although the clarity and integrity of these voice packets were often of a poor quality that consumers were willing to pay for. Today all the major IP Telephony players like Verizon, Comcast and AT&T have invested heavily in building out IP networks and have engineered high quality digital switching solutions that has revolutionized the way we communicate. Businesses, municipalities and government institutions of all sizes have built public and private network gateways to the internet and these access points can be found virtually everywhere. Radio over IP takes advantage of these IP gateways.

How do RoIP works?

Much like VoIP technology, RoIP digitizes and transmits radio signals from one IP address to another by converting analog voice and data signals into data packets but it uses slightly different engineering methodologies.

Traditional analog radio sends voice data using transmission towers or copper lines using a specific frequency along the radio spectrums of VF, VHF & UHF. There is a need for an expensive hardware infrastructure to send and receive these signals.

Today, radio over IP is delivered as digital packets via existing internet pathways using an existing infrastructure, we just need access to those networks. Wi-Fi, LAN and WAN networks provide that access but there still needs to be a bridge. These radio IP gateways as we call them is the bridge you need to gain access. This IP gateway often requires a vocoder to convert analog signals to digital packets and seek out local and wide area networks that we can use to gain access to the internet. This page here explains what is radio over IP in greater detail.

What are the benefits of RoIP?

It is cost-effective

Most organizations that rely of two way radio communications have invested in analog hardware and have been using that equipment successfully for years. Upgrading to digital mobile radio solutions throughout the organization can get too expensive to undertake all at once. Radio over IP solutions deployed by a legitimate communications systems provider in PA can configure radio IP gateways and vocoders for 4 and 8 units at a time at a fraction of the cost to purchase new radio hardware. This solution can be rolled out in increments rather than an all in one solution. The IP networks used for transport already exist so there is no new investment required for the transportation of signals and power requirements for radio signal transport are minimal.

Enhanced interoperability and flexibility

RoIP allows for enhanced interoperability and flexibility with SIP phones, VoIP phones and cellular networks since it has the ability to connect various information systems or applications in a coordinated manner, Your provider of radio communications hardware should be able to pre-program your radio control system for the different platforms that your users will be interacting with. Each organization is different in how they will employ radio over IP. Using a radio over IP interface that is customized to your specific needs will help your organization leverage improved radio communication technologies more cost effectively.

The Importance of Communication Following a Natural Disaster

After a hurricane has ravaged an area, such as the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael in the panhandle of Florida, it is critical for communication to be established with utility restoration teams as soon as possible. Many times companies will send linemen and technicians from all over the country to help restore electricity, water, and communication to a community. Restoring communication isn’t just important for the community, but it is critical to the success and safety of those working to clean up the damage.

Cell Phones Aren’t Practical

Even though many people feel their cell phone will keep them connected during an emergency, natural disasters absolutely have the potential for damaging the cell phone infrastructure. Emergency responders and cleanup crews are ineffective if they are unable to communicate with a dispatcher, understand a coordinate where assistance is needed, obtain driving or navigation instructions during hazardous conditions, and send a request for supplies. Natural disasters often cause unstable working conditions, such as downed power lines, fragile networks and crumbling structures can create safety hazards. The ability to instantly communicate with one another in these situations can save lives.

Connecting With the Community

Keeping response crews safe isn’t the only job of reliable communications after a natural disaster. If there was very little warning and time to prepare, it is important to connect with schools, churches, businesses, and other installations concerning evacuation, aid, or shelters. Without the dependable system to communicate that isn’t susceptible to drastic weather interference, it can be a dangerous and chaotic situation as the community tries to move to safety and implement preparedness plans.

High-tech Radios

Building out a network for reliable radio communications is a step in the right direction. A RoIP for utility and cleanup crews allows for two way radio communications between men in the field and a central dispatch can speak freely over frequencies not hindered by cellular and telco communication sensitivities. These IP networks for radio communications use low voltage LAN and WAN hardware and have flexibility. With the right devices, crews can establish secure mobile communications and connect in two-way conversations much like a telephone call. In a situation where distance, obstacles, and power failures are interfering with connectivity, RoIP gateways allow for push to talk devices to be connected through a single home base. With options for connectivity from an IP address, it can support the analog radio functions with more reliability, greater reach, and interoperability.

Stay in the Know

There are several ways a community can stay connected following a natural disaster, and a community’s use of all options can improve chances for a faster, safer recovery. Traditional television warnings and cell phone notifications are great ways to stay informed, but in the event the power is out, these may not be received in time. Social media networks can also offer assistance in locating people, understanding the conditions, and sending messages, but once again, this is only effective if there is power or a cell phone has internet service available. Using a radio over IP interface and RoIP for a fleet of utility vehicles will provide you with more reliable communications when you need it most.

Radio Over IP Provides Reliable Communication for Bus Fleets

Reliable communication is vitally important for a bus fleet for reasons of safety as well as logistics. However, the analog communication systems used in the past to connect fleet drivers and dispatchers have distinct disadvantages when it comes to reliability. Drivers that have to drive long distances on their routes may travel out of range of the traditional land mobile radio system. Additionally, geographic features and topographic variations can interfere with the operation of an analog LMRS system. Transportation companies are increasingly turning to radio over IP systems to increase both the range and reliability of communications, as well as reaping additional benefits.

What Exactly Is RoIP?

To understand what radio over internet protocol means, it is first necessary to understand its predecessor: voice over IP. VoIP involves voice and data communication over the internet as opposed to the analog system which delivered voice communications over a system of traditional telephone networks, T1 lines and copper wires. VoIP involves converting the sound waves into digital signals for transmission via broadband and then translating them back into audio signals once they have reached their destination.

Radio over IP functions according to the same principle as VoIP and utilizes the same type of technology. The main difference is that RoIP converts two way radio signals between two points. Analog radio communications uses VHP and UHF frequencies, In the digital space, the voice data is converted into digital voice packet and now piggyback existing IP networks.

Why is RoIP More Reliable?

With an analog radio system, communication can be disrupted by geographic features that can interfere with the transmission of radio waves. These include hills, mountains, buildings with thick walls, tall or dense trees, etc. Since RoIP communication takes place over existing LAN and wide area networks, the digital voice packets and not impacted by physical features and are uninterrupted data packets. The lack of interference makes it more reliable.

Even the most sophisticated LMRS has limitations to its range of functionality. If a fleet driver travels beyond that area from necessity, communication can no longer take place between the driver and dispatch and/or other members of the fleet. Gateways for RoIP systems are the tools that convert the voice signals to digital packets and therefore are very important to the entrance into the IP networks they will travel. IP networks are as ubiquitous today as cell phones. Evan an eskimo in a remote region of Alaska can access the internet today.

Outages are a concern for anyone who uses the public internet but in most cases, RoIP communications tap into private networks for travel. Providers understand the need for consistent services when providing RoIP for transportation and therefore the routing configurations are a key ingredient when programing the gateway for RoIP systems. Therefore, the networks they are programed for are set up to continue to function fully even during a partial failure. The rare outages that do occur are usually resolved quickly.

What Are Additional Benefits of RoIP for a Fleet?

In addition to increased reliability, radio over IP offers additional benefits to a transportation company:

  • Interoperability

  • Speed

  • Affordability

From the point of view of the end-user, there may be little discernible difference between RoIP and traditional LMRS. The former's interoperability allows drivers and dispatchers to use the same legacy devices to which they are already accustomed, while at the same time enjoying the additional benefits of clarity and reliability. Because the investment into hardware is minimal, RoIP for a fleet of buses, service vehicles or event a network metropolitan trains is a less expensive way for a fleet to upgrade their communications. RoIP for transportation networks is more common in 2019 than ever before. The technology is sound and chances are your communications system provider can point you in the right direction.