Letting Employees & Tenants Know There is Trouble on Campus

Emergencies and severe incidents on campus can happen anytime and out of the blue. During these cases, it is essential to alert staff, students, and tenants already on the campus and everyone else whether they plan to be on-site soon or not. Sending a campus-wide alert using a state-of-the-art command and control console with emergency communication software is the most efficient way to inform everyone of an incident. 

Although it is agreed that an emergency alert system for businesses is valuable and necessary, there are still some questions about the appropriate time to send notifications. These are the most common scenarios wherein employees and tenants should receive a notification: 

Severe Weather

Weather is one of the most unpredictable factors that can quickly turn a campus from a peaceful place of learning to a disaster zone. While most people pay attention to weather updates by themselves, the administration must notify staff and students of any potential danger during bad weather. You can use the command and control console to issue a campus-wide alert that parts of the campus is closed and anyone still on the ground should go home and seek shelter until an all-clear notification is given. 

This preventive message ensures that no one puts themselves at risk when emergency responders cannot reach them on time. 

Possible Threat to Safety

Unfortunately, we are all too familiar with domestic terrorist threats occurring in our place of business and learning. This is one of the scariest moments a person can experience in their life. Whether the danger comes in the form of a hoax bomb threat or if there is an active terrorist on property, it is a must to use emergency communication software to alert staff and tenants of the danger. 

A mass text alert is the best way to inform most people regarding a possible threat to their safety. While this can cause some panic, it is better to notify everyone on campus as soon as possible instead of risking their lives. 

Power Outages

Several different factors can cause a power outage. When a campus or a place of business is affected by an outage that can last longer than a few minutes, staff and tenants need to know so they can plan their day accordingly. The emergency alert system for businesses is a powerful tool that notifies everyone on the contact list of such situations, even when the power is out. This allows your employees to stay updated on whether or not the power on campus has been reinstated and it is possible to proceed with their day as normal. 

These are just some emergency scenarios your campus can experience wherein effective communication is a must. An IP radio dispatch system with a command and control console makes it easier and more efficient to notify everyone as soon as possible to ensure their safety and well-being. Preparation is key when it comes to campus safety and security. Make sure you can communicate with staff, students, and tenants no matter the situation.

Partnering with Radio Experts Makes Control Room Design Easier

Think of 911 call centers and building security control rooms. Without a proper control room design — equipped with suitable technology like an IP-based communication system, which enhances interoperability for radios and other communication devices — the operation in spaces like these will be inefficient. 

This underscores the importance of working with subject matter experts to help create a control room that best caters to your organization’s current and long-term needs. 

The Importance of Control Rooms

Command and control centers are a busy space. When designed right, they will provide a reliable, secure, and cost-effective way for stakeholders, staff members, and customers to communicate with one another. 

The goal is to help organizations enhance its ability to monitor their operations in real-time while offering them the opportunity to improve response time to any emergencies and changes. 

A Control Room Trend You Should Definitely Consider

Control rooms rely on real-time communication between teams. This is why more and more modern control rooms have switched to IP-centric systems complete with a fiber optic radio dispatch console

With IP-based solutions, operators in the control room will have easier and quicker access to various control room assets — as long as a primary master computer is part of the network. They can pull out any necessary information that will help them arrive at sound decisions (e.g., who to deploy to what emergency situation), especially during mission-critical scenarios. 

This kind of technology also enhances and makes audio (and video) communications more secure. Communications done through here are encrypted and only authorized staff can access them. Secure IP-connected solutions also improve interoperability for radios — meaning, key personnel can communicate with one another in real-time via different radio devices and tools. 

Military bases around the world rely on secure communications with inflight radio for test ranges.  Pilots today are using IP based radios in the cockpit and are often flying over difficult topographies. Control rooms today are designed to take advantage of IP networks most commercial entities cannot access.

One of the best advantages of utilizing voice and radio over IP technologies is that they are flexible and scalable. Control room designers can better configure the network’s architecture and create one that best suits your needs, budget, and your existing infrastructure (if any). 

In the long run, they can also upgrade or downsize without incurring heavy costs. As for the organization, maintenance will also be more cost-effective. 

Why Work With Radio Experts

IP-integrated control rooms have become increasingly vital in today’s world. And as they require a more specialized and intricate design (depending on the scale of operations of the organization), it demands organizations to work with subject matter experts — including experts on IP-based radio communications

When working with radio communication professionals, any organization can brainstorm how the control room should be designed to maximize its technical capabilities. These experts will have the experience and technical knowledge to figure out what’s best, given the client’s preferences, current and future goals, and financial capacities — as well as the kind of environment where the control room is in (e.g., should it be able to resist seismic activities). 

If you are looking for an emergency communication system for business or educational campus, we encourage you to tap the expertise of an organization that understands IP based paging systems, radio and voice over IP technologies to implement your software. Don’t just by the software without the expertise to implement it.

Paging & Dispatch Systems for Businesses

Emergencies like weather disturbances, natural calamities, and power outages happen beyond our control. While businesses can’t do anything to prevent those fully, they can amp up how they perform standard emergency procedures with the aid of IP based paging systems for business.

Leveraging Technology

When you think of a traditional paging system, you imagine a network of talking devices and speakers connected by tons of wire. Using this is the conventional way of doing one-way communication with your audience.

With the help of the Internet Protocols, you can overcome those hard wired solutions. An IP based paging system uses the concept of a traditional paging system — but instead of transmitting voice data over wires, it transports it via the digital packets of information.

When broadcasting emergency-related information to your audience (in the case of businesses, their employees, and even customers), you can count on an IP based system to clearly and reliably broadcast your message.

IP based paging systems for businesses can work with your existing Ethernet or Wi-Fi networks. This way, you can install the new system quickly and without the costs used in analog systems.

The use of IP has been helpful in many organizations — public and private organizations alike. For instance, emergency response teams and public utility agencies use digital dispatch systems to deploy personnel in the field with real time voice and data communications. This system allows the dispatcher to communicate easily with the remote team and vice versa control center.

Infrastructure that leverages modern technology  offers better reliability, coverage, and scalability. With the right safety features, they also help protect data better and ensure more secure mobile communications.

A Better Way To Communicate With Employees During Emergencies

IP-powered paging systems are just part of a broader mass notification system and strategy for a company. If you’re running a business, it also pays to invest in emergency notification software that can be connected and reach out to different types of devices.

While this used to be a solution for large-scale organizations, even smaller enterprises and businesses can now install and implement a mass communication system over IP networks. If you need to connect it to analog paging systems, computer desktops, phones, or digital signages, a communication systems provider in PA can help you develop a dependable ecosystem that is customized for your particular needs.

With the advancement of technology, you can even connect analog radios using IP networks. This interoperability allows you to be more flexible as an organization.

Once in place, an IP-based emergency system will allow you to send alerts to your workforce (e.g., via text or push notification on their preferred device). It will also allow your recipients to respond quickly and enable you to collect those responses efficiently.

You can also send out verbal messages if you need to convey more detailed instructions. This feature will make the implementation of emergency procedures smoother and more prompt.

Living in the digital age, there are emergency communication systems that can push out alerts to your business’ social media channels. You can configure pre-approved responses so that the appropriate messages are sent out when a specific emergency occurs.

Ultimately, an IP-powered communication network can help businesses save as many lives as possible during emergencies.

Radio Over IP for Dispatch Consoles

What do public safety agencies, emergency response teams, utility providers, and logistics companies have in common? They all rely on vehicles to operate and deliver their services. And thanks to Radio over Internet Protocol, these organizations can now work more efficiently. 

How RoIP Works

RoIP is a technology similar to Voice over IP or VoIP, which allows people to send voice data via the Internet instead of traditional UHF radio frequencies or wired connections. RoIP is simply VoIP for radio devices. 

With the help of a RoIP gateway, you can connect multiple radio systems over digital networks. 

Additionally, with the help of dispatch console software, you can now link dispatchers in the headquarter location with the personnel deployed in the field using radio over IP networks. 

Better Fleet Connectivity

RoIP enables smoother radio communication between fleet drivers, field staff, and dispatch centers.

Unlike the traditional analog land mobile radio system, an IP-enabled communication system relies on robust IP networks to send and receive radio transmissions that are converted into packets of voice data. As a result, it eliminates signal disruptions because of geographic factors. 

Additionally, dispatch console software makes it easier for command center operators to get up-to-date situational information from their on-ground personnel — and relay any necessary instructions whenever needed. This technology allows any organization that uses a fleet to convey pertinent information to one another while they are on the move. 

Today, the market has various options for IP-based radio dispatch consoles — boasting great interoperability, security, and responsiveness. These devices are also ergonomically designed and come with customizable interfaces to fit your current needs and help you scale in the future. 

When choosing a system for your organization, you must consider your specific communication requirements. What do you need in the short run? What is your vision for the future? What's in your existing communication network? 

Before starting down this path, it is important to assess your dispatchers' and field personnel's needs and technical capabilities. For instance — are they knowledgeable in operating dispatch consoles and touch screen devices for dispatchers? How well do you need to train them before you can use your new communication system effectively? 

Other Benefits

RoIP solutions for a fleet offer more than just efficiency once properly integrated into your communication network and day-to-day operations. 

One of the most prominent features of an IP-based dispatch system is real-time access tracking. You can monitor where your fleet of vehicles are at any given time, thanks to the GPS coordinates transmitted by most digital radios. 

This system also gives access to call logs. You can use it to evaluate your dispatch operations and communications and take appropriate actions to make your operations more efficient. You can also use the call history feature to conduct due diligence and evaluate whether additional training may be required. 

RoIP, as a technology, is also inherently advantageous because it provides a larger service area for radio users. You don't have to be limited by antennas and geographic barriers like a mountain. RoIP piggybacks on existing IP networks, LAN’s, and WAN’s which are omnipresent today. 

RoIP is also more reliable: Even if a single node is lost in your RoIP network, it won't affect the whole system. With encryption tools, you also get to protect your data and prevent breaches that compromise your and your client's information. 

Radio Over IP for Service Companies

Communication is essential for any business that relies on a fleet of cars, service vehicles or a team that is on the road all day. Access to secure radio and data communications allows service companies to stay organized, connected, and updated throughout the workday. While old-school radios still work and many semi-truck drivers rely on UHF & VHF frequencies, service companies need something more secure and reliable such as a customized radio over IP solution. 

Building A Digital Communications Hub

Service companies such as cable providers, HVAC contractors, electric companies, and other service technicians rely on a team of dispatchers and operational peers to run smoothly. However, often the main base of the operations is in the dispatcher’s control center, as they are responsible for calling and connecting their contractors with clients. An encrypted digital voice system is the best way to deliver the most reliable secure voice calls over IP today.

Although old school analog radio dispatch systems and land mobile radios have worked in the past for dispatchers, the time for conventional analog radios has passed. In a fast-paced and demanding world, businesses and service providers must keep up with customer demands. This means having a better radio communication system and ip voice switch console in place that allows dispatchers to reach contractors on the road as soon as a service request is made, facilitating a more streamlined service. 

Best of all, when switching to an encrypted solution for secure voice calls over IP, businesses are guaranteed privacy. There is no risk of anyone accidentally finding the frequency the dispatchers are using to listen in to private and confidential information. This switch to secure digital communication enhances the safety of the service providers, their teams, and their clients. 

A Shift In Communications Is Happening

As more and more homes and businesses are relying on mobile phones and IP-based phones for daily use, traditional landlines are slowly becoming a relic of the past. This shift in communication preferences has led to telecom providers needing help to update legacy networks, making fiber optic voice switch technology more important than ever. 

Larger utility providers have joined the transition from landline architectures to IP systems due to its many benefits. A voice switch with a secured connection is not just safer but more reliable, cost-effective, and significantly improves a company’s efficiency. However, the most significant impact of the shift in communication strategies is the ease of connection and access to its users' experience, which results in a more efficient service company. 

The Advantages Of Going Digital

Instead of just relying on calls and radios for information from dispatchers, businesses that decide to go digital can now use customizable IP dispatch center software to send information to their road team. With a mobile dispatch option, all the necessary information and updates from the company can be loaded onto a laptop or a tablet the contractors can bring on the road. 

Thanks to innovations from more advanced RoIP communication systems provider today, staying securely connected is just a phone call away. The age of the analog is long gone. Make sure to keep up with the evolving world of modern communication and get an upgrade for your dispatchers and fleet to keep up with the competition.

Radio Communications Using Internet Protocols

You might be familiar with VoIP, but RoIP allows you to enjoy the same benefits - and more.

Daily operations of organizations across several sectors are more productive since making the leap from analog to digital voice communications. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has allowed us to send voice data to digital devices more affordably. Instead of exchanging data through an aging network of copper wires, ethernet switches, transponders and PBX servers, data is transmitted today via the internet in the form of digital packets. Today's secure communication systems rely on voice encryption to relay and receive information promptly and minimize the risk of various security threats.

Radio over IP or RoIP works under the same principles as VoIP, although radio communications require a digital gateway. Previously, radio users communicated via radio frequencies with the help of microwave transmitters, extenders and antennas. Now they're sending data digitally through a local or wide area networks.

This digitization of voice data has also addressed many of the critical flaws of analog-based radio communications. When signals are jammed or when the location of the other user is too far away, the transmission of voice data was negatively affected. Today an organization enjoys a larger service area with a RoIP-integrated communication system — typically composed of two-way radios, consoles, routers, and a RoIP gateway.

Apart from greater coverage, here are the advantages of RoIP:

Enhanced reliability. In some organizations, there's information that needs to be quickly communicated. For instance, emergency response teams have to deploy respondents as quickly as possible, with respondents in the field reporting back to dispatchers. Because an IP network is generally more resilient than its analog counterparts, more efficient communications can be experienced. The quality of voice data being transmitted is also better and has better security features. Therefore, less prone to data breaches and eavesdropping.

Better interoperability. A RoIP gateway links several radio systems over an IP network. In a RoIP-powered system, the communications interoperability of radio types and brands is also permitted. By allowing device flexibility, it is easier for you as an organization to add (or replace) new users to an existing IP network. Additionally, you'll have more freedom when it comes to choosing which manufacturer or products you'll integrate into your system, depending on your needs, preference, and budget.

Improved productivity. When you can connect multiple base stations over huge areas, you can minimize errors and lags in communication. From the standpoint of those in the operation center, it facilitates a more streamlined remote management. In general, it can increase the productivity of the organization.

Lower expenses. Traditional analog radio hardware is costly to install and maintain. Switching to a RoIP-based communications network is more financially friendly in the long run. In addition, digital radios are becoming more affordable, you can also find hardware (e.g. Routers and extenders) to add to your network through many different resources. Interoperability is a key ingredient when buying digital radio hardware. The costs for digital radio devices continues to be more affordable as the technology improves.

Easier to maintain and repair. Especially if you frequently have critical and emergency situations, your need for secure communication systems becomes even more important than ever. Radio over IP software allows for high levels of digital encryption and is easier to repair and restore connectivity gateways. This is also another way you can save money and enhance productivity — while protecting your organization's reputation in the process.

Bulk Communications Using Web Based Technology

With the rise of many sophisticated communication devices, people can easily think that analog tools such as VHF radios are now a thing of the past. Traditionally relying on the framework of a UHF and VHF antennas, the older network of radio towers and repeaters installed in strategic locations was the way that radios communicated. With the help of technology, you can still use analog radios but with a modern twist: Using Internet Protocol or an IP based paging system for business

How IP Paging Works

Many communication systems today utilize the so-called Voice over IP (VoIP) technology. It allows voice sound waves to be transformed into digital signals, which are then sent over the Internet. The concept is the same in radio over IP systems — only that it specifically integrates analog radio devices into the communication network. 

An IP paging system uses VoIP to allow individual speakers to be connected to a network. And when a communicator uses a microphone, the audio is transferred over that network — instead of the traditional wiring — and gets heard to the connected speakers found in different locations. If you ask a communication systems provider in PA to install such a system for your company, then you’ll have a reliable and cost-effective way of relaying information to your people and/or guests. 

To address the expenses that come with registering each of your speakers as a device endpoint in your system, you can resort to session initiated protocol (SIP) and multicasting. Note that support agreements for each speaker are required; you also have to pay for individual registration fees.

SIP allows web-based paging speakers to communicate within your network. Once your provider configures your SIP gateway, you can now cast your communications over several speakers at the same time. With multicasting now possible, you’d only need one registration — and that is for your primary device, which is the gateway. 

The Perks of an IP Based Paging System For Business

Sending mass notifications and communicating in bulk are integral to any business. For instance, if you have a factory and there’s an emergency such as spillage, you need to communicate that instantly to all within your premises. 

To facilitate efficient communication, you need to rely on different tools such as the web based paging system. Here are the best benefits you can reap: 

Ease of installation and management. Unlike the bulky and antiquated analog systems, cloud based paging systems are easier and less expensive to install. And since you’re utilizing the cloud, it will be easier to manage your broadcasts. 

Flexibility and scalability. Depending on your need, you can seamlessly reconfigure your system to add or remove broadcast points. Unlike the traditional system, you don’t have to remove, replace, or add speaker wiring. All are adjusted in the cloud. 

Reliability. Most modern paging systems rely on the so-called Power over Ethernet. This means that even if there’s a power outage, you can still operate the system and use that to communicate with your people. This enhances both productivity and safety. 

Cost-effectiveness. With the help of an IP paging system set up by a reputable communication systems provider in PA, you can also manage several locations without needing to hire new staff. This, alongside the benefits as mentioned above, can lead to lower expenses and, subsequently, an increased bottom line. 

How Computer Aided Dispatch Helps Law Enforcement

Technological advancements benefit law enforcement in several ways. For instance, computer aided dispatch (CAD) systems are a network of hardware and software programs that notify and monitor law enforcement unit’s resources in times of an emergency.

Modern policing isn’t complete with CAD. And in this article, we’re tackling how this innovation makes law enforcement more efficient and prompt.

The Functions of Computer Aided Dispatch

Before CAD systems emerged as we know them today, police units and emergency responders would rely only on a punch-card system to record their activities. Traditional phones were used to accommodate requests from the public.

Today, CADs are equipped with technologies such as an emergency communication systems for businesses to expedite employee safety and response times from law enforcement. Apart from keeping and managing records of law enforcement units, a well-equipped CAD can:

Pinpoint the location of the caller

Determine which in-field responders can be deployed

Track the status of the operation

Allow on-ground workers to report about their assignments

Which allows for an environment where dispatchers and higher-ranking officers can make critical decisions.

Better manage simultaneous dispatches

Reduce duplicate calls

Store and retrieve access to incident data

How It Benefits Law Enforcers and The Public

Across the world, law enforcement agencies leverage CAD to assist officers in making critical decisions while responding to calls for service.

CAD systems can help dispatchers route emergency vehicles to appropriate locations based on factors including location, time, weather conditions, road conditions, and the type of calls being responded to. This technology allows police departments to increase their efficiency and reduce the amount of time spent responding to calls for service while improving officer safety and public perception.

The advantage of modern CADs is that they’re interoperable and scalable. They can be paired with an existing radio dispatch console and two-way radio systems, making these communication tools’ functionality even more efficient.

If an agency or unit needs to expand its operations, it can seamlessly integrate new devices without incurring high scaling costs. If a mass notification system over IP networks is to be integrated, educating the workforce is also manageable and less disruptive.

While all these benefits enhance the services of law enforcers, they can also be used to communicate with other units in case they need to team up for inter-unit emergencies. This leads to lower crime rates in a wider geographic region.

CADs, however, don’t only help with a unit’s immediate needs. As mentioned, they help manage and store incident data. With this, they can be used to analyze data and determine crime trends. They can use such insights to improve their organizational planning and structure and maximize their resources.

On top of all this, users of CADs can rest assured that their data and operations remain protected against breaches and other security threats.

Today, computer-aided dispatching can be used by law enforcement units and other government agencies. These include fire services, EMS, marine and aviation units.

Alerting Your Employees When Crisis Hits

Emergencies are disruptive and stress-inducing. This is why learning how to handle emergencies and crises is paramount no matter the size of your organization — and no matter what product or service you’re offering. Part of a sound and effective crisis management plan is having a reliable emergency communication system for business.

These systems work by integrating a third-party solution into your existing communication strategy. In case of an emergency, your system will deliver messages to your employees via different channels (e.g. Email, text message, digital signage). Typically, it’s also equipped with filtering features to let you send emergency notifications to certain people only (for instance, you’d only need to alert your people who are located in a specific area).

The Benefits of Having an Emergency Communication System 

Proper communication is key for a business’ daily operations to be smooth and efficient. And the need for secure communication systems is punctuated in times of an emergency.

A severe weather disturbance is a good example of the types of incidences you may encounter. Perhaps there are shooters who are attacking one of the floors of your building? No matter how simple or complex or threatening a crisis may be, sending emergency alerts to the right people is extremely important as the crisis is occurring. Here’s how your business can benefit by having a have mass notification system.

Prompt and real-time communication. Time is of the essence when an emergency happens. Whether it’s a mass notification system for business parks or you need to notify emergency response teams, your communication strategy ensures that you’re acting in a timely manner. Quick action will help you keep your employees, customers, clients, and partners safer.

Appropriate recipients. Apart from sending quick alerts, your system should be designed to reach specific recipients. For instance, you may only need to notify specific individuals within your organization with operation details, while others get broader messaging. A customizable system guarantees a clarity of message and reduces any inefficiency while addressing an emergency.

Multi-channel delivery. As stated earlier, you can deliver emergency notifications through different channels. Those channels can be an email, an SMS text message, a voicemail, or even a visual alert. You can send these alerts to a laptop, desktop computer, or mobile device. And the great thing is, there are systems that accept inbound calling (a helpful feature if you want to confirm that the recipient has indeed received the alert).

Collaborative monitoring. Emergency communication systems aren’t just for sending out alerts. They’re also a web-based tool that allows all concerned people to share receipt confirmations and other relevant reports. This is advantageous when you need to confirm that key individuals have indeed received the message.

Easy archiving. This communication tool also proves to be useful beyond the time of the actual emergency itself. All the results of the emergency notifications can be easily collated into online reports, allowing any authorized personnel to review the activity and pull them out whenever necessary.

Flexibility and scalability. Secure mobile communication systems today uses encrypted VoIP and data encryption. Because they can be cost-effectively integrated into various kinds of devices, this system can be scaled up or down depending on your business’ current communication needs.

Analog E&M Radios Are Now over IP Networks

In the US telecommunications industry, one of the traditionally used types of line signaling is E&M. With the advancement of technology, E & M over IP is now available to make signal transmission more robust, reliable, and secure. 

What Is E&M Signaling

E&M signaling is when a direct-current signal is sent along two separate leads, namely the E lead and M lead. These letters can stand for ear and mouth, recEive and transMit, or earth and magnet. 

Any radio communications systems provider would know that E&M signaling is embedded in the traditional communication system. The E&M interface, in fact, is the most common form of analog trunking. For each connection in the communications system, it defines two different sides: the trunk circuit side and a signaling unit side. The E component is the signal wire linking the former side to the latter while the M component is the signal wire from the signaling unit side to the trunk circuit one. It's also the component responsible for generating tone when using E & M radios to perform voice-based communications. 

Originally, this was developed to facilitate signaling between PABXs (or Private Automatic Branch Exchanges) located in various geographical sites over an analog private circuit. Then it was extended to be used even on digital carrier systems. 

What Is E & M Over IP

Before digitization took over, people conduct voice communication over an elaborate network of telephone wires and transmission towers. 

With Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), the sound waves of the voice are transformed into digital packets that can be sent over the Internet. Radio over IP applies the same principle in two way radio dispatch system. RoIP gateways merge analog and Internet, providing a new and powerful way to transmit radio signals. 

While many organizations are building VoIP and RoIP communication systems, it's vital to keep original communication networks. This is when E&M over IP technology comes in. 

Alongside VoIP and RoIP, this communications technology is known for its interoperability. It can be used to facilitate communication among various types of radio devices, both analog and digital. 

E&M over IP interfaces have a PCM CODEC, the component that digitizes analog voice bands. This digitization is necessary for the signals to be transported over the Internet. 

This technology has several applications, but today, it's commonly used to convert voice-grace circuit interfaces with Push-to-Talk devices, allowing radio base stations involved in public safety and emergency response to communicate better. Apart from enhanced reliability, it boasts high-resolution analog-to-digital conversion that helps maintain the original quality of the audio signal. 

When you integrate this kind of digitization into E&M signaling-driven communication devices, you can also benefit from its scalability. Depending on what your organization's current needs are, you can cost-effectively add or remove devices — minus the hassle of expensively modifying your infrastructure. 

Today, there are products available designed to integrate analog radios into Internet-powered communication systems seamlessly. The key lies in finding a provider that offers the very technology, service, and gadgets you need at competitive rates. 

Two Way Radios Move from Analog to Digital with a Gateway

For companies to be efficiently functional in today's digital world, tapping modern communication tools is inevitable. Communication, after all, is fundamental to virtually all types of organizations. Supervisors communicate to team members to relay instructions; team members communicate with each other to accomplish tasks. And if you're organization is relying on two-way radios to communicate, it's high time to invest in radio over IP rather than analog methods in today’s digital landscape. 

What Is Radio over IP In The First Place?

Today, almost everyone relies on the Internet, and Internet Protocol (IP) infrastructures are ubiquitous.

RoIP or Radio over IP, voice packets are sent and received by radio devices over an existing IP infrastructure such as a Local Area Network (LAN’s) or a Wide Area Network (WAN’s). This means that when you call someone through a radio device, your voice won't be transmitted via the conventional cables, radio frequencies, microwave transmitters, and antennas. It will be sent via the internet, which is way faster, more secure, and more reliable. 

However, RoIP isn't just limited to transmitting voice data. They can also transfer any other data signals produced by Land Mobile Radios (LMRs). 

What Are RoIP Gateways?

Gateways for RoIP systems are designed to transmit and receive audio signals used by radio devices over the internet, providing advanced connection options to established IP networks. These devices are meant to help entities leverage RoIP as a cost-effective way of interconnecting radio systems, including a radio dispatch console and dispatch operators. 

A great thing about a RoIP gateway is that it's not just the traditional analog radios or push-to-talk devices that can be integrated into it. Because this technology is interoperable with other communication devices, you can also use it with more modern VoIP phones, tablets, and even desktop computers. 

With this integration of traditional radio devices with advanced digital gadgets, your organization can enjoy a unified network where you can communicate — minus the gaps, lags, and limitations attached to analog radio systems without having to upgrade your analog radio hardware right away. 

Typically, the management and configuration for RoIP gateways are done using a web browser. You can use a standard web interface to achieve a setting that meets your organization's unique communication needs. 

If you're looking for a gateway for your RoIP system, it's also better to invest in a device that can simultaneously run multiple protocols, serving as a conference bridge across several interfaces. 

Why Move From Analog To Digital?

Now the help of gateways for RoIP systems, you can shift your organization's communication system from a costly analog-based system to a digitally powered one without having to update the more expensive radio frequency architecture. But why tap the power of this kind of technology? 

One of its greatest advantages using a small radio over IP systems is cost-effectiveness. The infrastructure used to facilitate and maintain traditional radio communication systems is expensive and unreliable. But with RoIP, you can economically connect your communication devices all while getting a cleaner signal and more reliable connection. And as mentioned, it boasts superior interoperability, making it easier for you to scale up or down your communication system. 

RoIP also features better security. With routers and firewalls, your organization's network — and the voice packets and other data signals that you transmit — remain protected against various security threats. 

Radio Systems That Operate Over Secure IP

Despite the emergence of modern ways to communicate, many organizations still rely on radio systems. But thanks to the advancement of radio over IP technology, gone are the days when communication via radio devices would be hindered by distance and other barriers just to get the other party to talk to the one on the receiving end and vice versa. Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP and Push to Talk or PTT over IP are some technologies that allow voice data transmission between devices with the aid of the Internet. 

What Is PTT And Radio Over IP

Before the birth of Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP, people would traditionally call each other through radio frequencies (UHF & VHF) or the analog phone system. The infrastructure was costly to maintain and scale. Newer technology has allowed people to exchange voice data via the Internet. 

RoIP is basically VoIP, only that it's incorporated in two-way radio devices. As long as there's an established Internet gateway , voice data can be sent and received by radio device users. With a reliable radio dispatch console and digital mobile radio devices, dispatchers and field personnel can easily coordinate with each other. This is especially helpful when communicating in cases of emergency. 

Push to Talk over IP is essentially RoIP, but with the particular use of PTT devices (PTT devices are handheld radio devices equipped with a button to be pushed before a person can talk. Today, PTT apps are also available for mobile phones). Additionally, unless the PTT button is released, the other person or group of persons can't talk — ensuring that the current speaker won't be interrupted. 

Their Advantages

There are many benefits of using radio systems that operate over secure IP, such as RoIP and PTT over IP. One of which is interoperability. 

An RoIP system can be easily integrated with other tools of communication such as cellular telephones. This system can also be used in conjunction with PTT devices. As long as they're enabled by IP, users will be able to transmit packets of voice data to each other. This interoperability is also particularly helpful to those manning the control center. With the aid of a radio dispatch console, a dispatcher can seamlessly communicate with field personnel with secure communication systems and RoIP encryption. 

Linked with interoperability is scalability. With this type of communication system, you can add or remove device users and components without shelling out money to cover for infrastructural changes. If you need to expand your operations, you can simply upgrade your software and have your devices configured accordingly. Because of its cost-effective flexibility, you can focus on how you can grow your organization — instead of worrying about installation and running costs. 

While remaining cost-effective, you can boost the productivity of your organization. With faster and more efficient communication, each staff member can collaborate better and, ultimately, deliver better output. 

All this comes with improved security. These radio systems are equipped with RoIP encryption technologies and IPsec Secure protocols for mission critical applications.

Secure Encrypted VoIP & Radio Communications

To deter security threats, voice and radio communication tools utilize encryption technology to make data being transmitted incomprehensible or obscure to unauthorized users. Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP encryption products are particularly essential to secure as voice communication remains central to many organizations and entities across the globe. 

The Importance of Voice Encryption

VoIP allows people to send and receive voice data through the internet instead of the traditional analog phone systems. Incorporating VoIP concepts into two-way radio devices has allowed Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP technology to emerge. 

Both are useful in making efficient, cost-effective quality voice calls. While they're regarded to be more secure than many analog communication methods, they’re not exempted from security attacks. Advanced encrypted radio and digital voice communication technologies are needed to mitigate cyber threats. If there are no measures in place, your calls can be vulnerable to: 

Eavesdropping. Without secure voice communication encryption, attackers can easily intercept calls. This won't just cause call quality degradation or disconnection. Worse, it can allow the attacker to access a treasure trove of personal information kept on the server (e.g. Usernames, emails, passwords). 

Identity and service theft. Once cybercriminals access your system, it will be easy for them to steal the personal information of your staff, stakeholders, and customers — and use that to steal their identity by cloning system access. These attackers can also steal your services, offer them to the public, charge fees, and profit in the process. 

Malware and viruses. These security intrusions can enter your system if your voice calls lack security measures like data encryption. Costly and stressful to manage, security compromises caused by viruses and malware can negatively impact the overall functionality of your system and your organization’s data. Ever hear of Ransomware? 

Voice Encryption Methods

Voice encryption has evolved throughout the past years.

Before high-tech RoIP and VoIP encryption products were introduced, voice communication tools relied on speech inversion as their main encryption technology. In this analog encryption method, the human voice is inverted or altered so that it will sound differently to attackers. 

From analog speech inversion, the more advanced digital voice encryption products came next. Motorola, a pioneering in this field, offered a proprietary DVP or Digital Voice Privacy (DVP) protocol. This cipher feedback process is a self-synchronizing encryption that uses 2.36 x 1021 different key combinations to protect your voice calls. Encryption keys use randomly generated bits and bytes to scramble and unscramble data. 

To standardize federal agencies’ encryption protocols, the government also introduced the Data Encryption Standard (DES). Unlike DVP, DESC can use 7.2 x 1016 different key combinations. Although this type of encryption is designed for the federal government’s use only. 

Expanding the reach of these protocols and reducing range loss issues, both DES and DVP have their enhanced counterparts. DVP-XL and DES-XL leverages an increase in their numbers of encryption key combinations. This allows for more secure communication systems for both VoIP and radio users.

Because DES and DES-XL requires a license for these encryption products to be used outside the US, the Digital Voice International (DGI)-XL was introduced. This product, however, has fewer numbers of available keys. 

For encrypted radio communications, a product called a keyloader is needed. As the name says, it's used to load the encryption keys into radio devices. It’s an encryption device that looks like a radio and needs to be attached to the interface port of the radio to be encrypted. With technological advancements, the more economical and scalable OTAR or over-the-air rekeying is now available. This encryption product has one computer dedicated to managing all encryption keys for the radio devices of a system. 

Secure Communications for VoIP & Radio Devices

The traditional phone system includes a power source, switch, dialer, ringer, transistor, and receiver. If you used to work in an office using such a system, you would be familiar with the many challenges that come with it, one of which is high cost. The emergence of the VoIP and ROIP technologies has offered a more economical and safer alternative to the conventional way of voice communication. 

What is VoIP

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It's a technology that allows users to make voice calls through the Internet instead of the traditional POTS phone system. Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP, on the other hand, is the incorporation of VoIP technology in two-way radio devices. 

Both are considered to be secure communication systems but bad players always find a way. Thanks to high-tech encryption and identity management, organizations can minimize security threats. 

Another advantage of a VoIP and a RoIP system is that they're more flexible and scalable — all while guaranteeing clear voice quality. 

With the portability of the VoIP number and the devices needed for this communication system, it also helps in facilitating a remote work setup. Features like conference calling, instant video calling, and call waiting are capabilities that make encrypted VoIP and RoIP technology more productive. 

Securing Communications While Using VoIP and RoIP for Remote Work

Having secure communication systems is advantageous to organizations and businesses from various sectors. Among its many benefits, these systems are cost-saving, productivity-enhancing, and reputation-boosting. 

As stated, you can utilize VoIP and radio over internet protocol for remote work. You need to have physical VoIP enabled phone or radio devices and a server for your organization to leverage this system. The voice data in this network are transmitted over the Internet and without proper security measures (e.g. The use of virtual private network or VPN and encryption), the following threats can put your voice data at risk: 

Interception of voice and control communication. Eavesdropping is a common security threat for voice communication. It's especially common to users who are connecting via shared wireless internet connections in public spaces. Interception can also affect the very connection between device users and the server, wherein personal information such as usernames and passwords can be breached. In other instances, your voice call can also be tampered with, resulting in voice quality degradation or disconnection. 

Viruses and malware. When using the internet, there is always a risk of being attacked by viruses and malware. There are even hackers who use specially designed malware to put voice system security at risk and compromise their overall functionality. 

Identity and service theft. Once attackers enter your system, they can steal your services, provide them to other entities, and charge a certain fee. This is a concern that compromises you and your customers' data and negatively impacts reputation. 

While these are big threats, they can be mitigated. Today, there are different types of encryptions that you can use so that only authorized personnel and users can receive and understand the data being transmitted (to outsiders, your data will come out only as codes). For instance, highly configurable VPN tools can be used to quickly and efficiently secure private networks and devices. 

Apart from protecting your IP network, you should also maintain physical security. Make sure that you have a reliable communication systems provider in PA and only the right people and that VoIP and radio devices are only distributed to authorized employees.

Dispatching Systems That Use IP Connections

At the core of highly efficient organizations that deploy personnel to the field on a day-to-day basis is a reliable dispatching system. In the past, people only relied on traditional means of communication such as analog two-way radios to send out and receive often critical information to one another. With the rise of digital dispatch systems, typical analog communication issues such as reliability, interoperability, and scalability can now be addressed. 

Digitizing Dispatching Systems

In modern society, fast-paced living demands fast-paced communication tools. Having a speedy communications system is particularly essential for certain organizations, such as emergency response teams, utility companies, and other businesses that manage a fleet of vehicles. 

However, the problem with analog-based land mobile radio systems is that signal transmission can encounter various hindrances (e.g. Geographic barriers, natural phenomenon). On top of this, maintaining and scaling the necessary infrastructure needed can be quite expensive. 

The good news is that these concerns can now be resolved.

Using a VoIP Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP technology devices, the internet is being utilized to transmit and receive voice data. Instead of sending signals via a rather complex network of transmission towers, digital systems that comprise advanced components such as a RoIP interface gateway convert a voice’s sound waves into digital packets of data. 

What’s great about voice dispatch in radio is that it can be cost-effective to integrate into an organization’s existing dispatching and communications system. This means that existing radio devices can still be used, only that they’re now part of a network that is equipped to transmit data via the internet. 

This allows dispatchers and other key personnel manning a dispatch center to efficiently relay information to the workforce in the field. Additionally, field personnel can also report back to their supervisors more swiftly, without the fear of getting their signal jammed by different barriers. 

What It Means For Your Organization

RoIP technology has ushered in a new era for radio communications across various industries — one where signals have become more reliable, efficient, and flexible, the way critical communications systems should be. 

With a digital dispatch system, mobile command and control centers can be deployed whenever and wherever, as long as there’s an internet connection available (e.g. WiFi, 4G, LTE, or satellite connectivity). Hardware components including a RoIP interface gateway, console, and mobile radio units seamlessly work together to ensure that anyone who needs to communicate data to another member of the team can do so promptly — effectively increasing productivity both at an individual and organizational level. 

And as mentioned, IP-centric dispatch systems are cost-effective to scale. Should you need to expand your operations, you can customize and implement upgraded dispatch system software without causing significant disruption to your organization. Even if you have a complex workflow, this type of digital technology can help you meet your communication needs at any given time. 

At the end of the day, dispatch systems that harness the power of RoIP technology ultimately benefit the market that an organization serves. As the organizational workforce can communicate more efficiently, they would be able to provide their specific services better.

What Are Unified Critical Communications

From law enforcement and transportation to medical and fire emergencies, reliable communication systems have several critical applications. With the help of a credible communications provider in PA, your organization can group various technologies and combine data, video, SMS, telephony and cellular systems into one integrated platform. And this is what unified critical communications (UCC) is all about. 

How Does Unified Critical Communications Work

Radio over IP (RoIP) has made radio communications more cost-effective for all organizations to embrace and upgrade too. It's a way of transmitting and receiving digital voice packets through the internet. This is just one of the many technologies that you can use to facilitate more efficient communications among multiple agencies that rely on seamless communications in the field. 

UCC lets you rely on RoIP and several other technologies like VoIP for telephony instead of just one communications technology. UCC as a platform seamlessly integrates various tech components to to allow for data, media and video sharing along with voice packets. 

A communications system provider in PA can implement a UCC platform through a centralized system that is hosted within your premises or via the cloud. You can also choose a decentralized system, wherein you can link different networks through a mobile platform as long as there is internet connectivity for all parties. 

Once you utilize a UCC platform, you'll be able to interconnect all devices within your organization’s communications ecosystem. For example, RoIP for utility services such as PECO and Delmarva Power you can use different radio hardware and smartphones and still communicate easily in a properly programmed UCC platform. On the platform, authorized personnel can simply add (or remove) device-independent user IDs so that these users may be able to communicate through these interlinked devices. 

Upon logging in to a network covered by the UCC platform, a user’s location will be detected, and other users will be notified that they are available for communication. That user can transmit or receive any data format that their device allows. 

Reputable UCC platforms boast top security capabilities. These ensure that all your voice and image transmissions are encrypted and protected bad players trying to hijack data. 

The Benefits of Unified Critical Communications

When you enlist the right communications system provider to equip your organization with a UCC platform, they will provide a combination of IP radio consoles, IP gateways and RoIP encryption software. Once implemented, a UCC platform can bring you the following benefits: 

Faster and more reliable communications. Especially in times of emergency deployments, a delay in data transmission and receipt can be a matter of life and death. When you rely on several communications’ technology using a seamless integration platform, you’re harnessing the power of various tools to improve your organization's overall communications experience. The result is a faster and more reliable means of sending and receiving messages to and from the decision-makers, supervisors, and on-ground personnel of your organization. 

Interoperability across different devices. A UCC platform lets you maximize all your communication devices — from radio transceivers to smartphones, laptops, and tablets. This integration of different technology helps to ensure that all concerned personnel can send or receive any information at any given point in time, especially if the information to be transmitted is highly critical. 

Flexibility. You can integrate several communications technologies like RoIP, VoIP and MMS through your unified communications platform. You can easily add or remove users whenever the situation calls for it if the call distribution gateways are properly configured. This customizability of unified communications is a great feature that you can leverage to usher in a smoother collaborative communication, making your daily and emergency operations more productive and cost-effective.

Key Elements of Dispatching Software

In a fast-moving society, having a reliable radio dispatch system is essential for organizations with delivery operations. From food and beverage businesses to e-commerce ventures and other logistics providers, many rely on radio dispatch or a PTT over IP system to deploy their drivers cost-effectively and promptly to the field. 

A dispatching software is designed to help with driver routing and vehicle tracking. It’s helpful not only in making operations more efficient but also in enhancing the overall customer experience. This article discusses the key elements of dispatching software. 

Tailored dispatching

Most organizations that perform dispatching have unique needs. These depend on several things, including the current size of their fleet and roster of drivers, dispatch locations, and other delivery requirements. 

With a digital dispatch system, dispatching decisions can be customized depending on your current considerations. It also allows for both automated and manual dispatch options, so you can intervene manually whenever needed. For instance, there’s a customer with a unique query that must be addressed immediately. 

Automated scheduling

Automation is an often heard word when it comes to optimizing various business operations. Automation technology is also beneficial for appointment scheduling. If this aspect is digitized, you can easily track vehicle progress and send timing updates to customers that may have requested SMS updates.

For instance, if your customer selected a 24-hour delivery option, you’ll automatically know that a specific product has to be delivered in one day to that customer. Instead of dealing with customer calls and manually keying in data to a database, an automated scheduling feature can help you significantly save time and effort. 

Optimized route selection

Groups that use a radio dispatch system and software also benefit from the element of optimized routing. This tool allows you to determine the most efficient route for your fleet, taking into account various factors such as distance, current traffic conditions and time needed to complete various delivery phases. 

Together with route optimization, this software also has a smart batching element that collates orders that fall in the same delivery windows. This will make your dispatching more streamlined and cost-effective. 

Easy tracking across the delivery process

From the time an order is taken out of inventory to the point that it gets fulfilled, your drivers could face several (unexpected) barriers. Dispatch software can help facilitate easier tracking across the various points in your delivery flow.

You can also use this tool to alert or notify your customers (e.g., the exact location of your driver, estimated time of arrival, unavoidable cause of delay, and what you are doing to cope with it). This helps improve their overall experience of doing business with you. 

Reliable communications

If you have a digital dispatch system, it’s imperative to have a strong communications system as well. Today, push to talk (PTT) over Internet Protocol (IP) is being used by many clients because of its accessibility, interoperability with cellular systems, and scalability. With a simple press of a button, one of your staff can directly communicate with another person. 

Every device with access to your PTT software will be able to talk through it. In addition, its reliability is highly commendable because PTT software has a short latency time (down to 100 ms if you have a 4G network). Meaning, you can easily reach out to a person out in the field and relay any information, critical or not.

Radio Over IP Helps Bus Drivers Stay Connected

According to the American Public Transportation Association, in 2019, around 9.9 billion trips on public transportation were recorded in the US. And the bus remains one of the most used modes of public transport. 

For bus fleets, communication is vital for both safety and logistics purposes. In this frontier, Radio Over Internet Protocol of RoIP for transportation is considered the more cost-effective way of ensuring bus drivers stay connected while they are out on the road. 

How does radio over IP work

RoIP shares the same concept as its predecessor, the voice over internet protocol or VoIP. 

Traditionally, voice communication takes place with the help of an analog-driven system comprising telephone networks, transmission towers, and elaborate (and expensive) copper lines. In VoIP, sound waves are converted into digital signals that are then sent and received over data networks. 

In RoIP, it is the radio signals that are converted between two points. Essentially, it uses the same VoIP technology in two-way radios to help (this also allows users to connect analog radios using ip networks

One of the main advantages of RoIP over its analog counterpart is increased reliability. Because signals are sent over the internet, the process would not be disrupted by traditional geographic barriers such as buildings, trees, and mountains. As IP networks are now found almost everywhere, digital data packets can be transmitted more reliably between two points. 

How RoIP Helps Bus Fleets

Many industries now use RoIP for transportation communication — from commuter train networks to bus fleets. 

Apart from reliability, bus organizations can benefit from RoIP technology through several ways:

Accessibility. Over the past few years, RoIP technology has increasingly become the standard, even in the transportation industry. As the demand for this technology steadily grows, the roster of equipment needed for it also becomes more accessible and affordable. Now, there are a number of reputable manufacturers of RoIP hardware and suppliers to program the required components and infrastructure to run a RoIP-powered communication system. 

Scalability. Different organizations have different sizes and types of bus fleets. With the flexibility of RoIP technology, you can customize your communication system depending on your specific needs at a specific period. If you are to expand your operations or downsize in the future, RoIP gives you the scalability you need at reasonable costs. 

Interoperability. Another great thing about RoIP is its interoperability with older hardware: It can be used to link different types of radio devices. As mentioned, this technology can be used to connect analog radios using IP networks as well as the newer digital mobile radios. So if your organization is planning to use both analog and digital devices to help your bus drivers communicate with one another, RoIP can help you make it possible. Assisted by additional IP gateways, this interoperability can make your communication more efficient and wide-reaching. 

All these perks have one thing in common: they give you the capability to improve communication among your bus drivers and the staff in your control center, all while minimizing costs. If you want your bus fleet to be more coordinated and in-sync, investing in RoIP technology can go a long way.

Radio Dispatch Systems Using IP Networks

When you call 911, a public safety communications operator is often plugged into a radio dispatch system that has the ability to communicate with emergency management personnel while keeping you on the phone. This is just one of the many useful applications of an Internet Protocol (IP)-based dispatch radio console system and its related accessories. 

Over the past few years, this communications innovation has moved from a frequency based network to an IP based network and has been proven to be beneficial for many sectors. Apart from public safety, it is also utilized by utility companies that need to manage a fleet of trucks, educational institutions that oversees a network of buses, and private businesses that dispatch drivers and vehicles (e.g., taxi companies). 

What Is A Radio Dispatch and How It’s Used

The radio dispatch console is designed to connect Emergency Communications Centers (ECC) with responders who are in the field. These can refer to first-aid providers, firefighters, and law enforcement officials. 

Interfaced with a land mobile radio (LMR) system, the console conveys voice and the caller’s ID and emergency status. Thanks to technological advancements, it’s now also possible to relay where the field units are located. 

In small ECCs, it is the public safety telecommunicator (PST), or the person who answers the calls and performs the dispatching. In larger centers, there is a separate PST who takes the call and another who dispatches. These two groups of PSTs are linked by a computer-aided dispatch system. 

When a field unit is dispatched, they use a tactical LMR channel to communicate with the ECC. With this approach, the ECC can guarantee that their main dispatch channel is available and unobstructed for succeeding dispatches. 

In any center, PSTs are supervised by a senior official. Another administrator is assigned to oversee the operations of the center and liaise with suppliers or vendors. They also report to a head agency for whom the ECC provides its services. 

In ECCs where a dispatch radio console system using IP networks is employed, dedicated technicians and specialists are assigned to manage and maintain the modern systems being used. 

The Advantages of IP-powered Radio Dispatch Systems

When organizations use a radio dispatch console using radio over IP interface, they can save on equipment costs. Compared with costly leased lines, IP connections are more cost-effective. This system allows radio dispatchers to operate remotely and have more flexibly, eliminating the need to maintain larger control centers. 

Additionally, digital dispatch systems are more reliable. Analog radio communications require a network of receiving antennas, repeaters and signal relays. This equipment is costly to acquire and deploy. IP-powered systems are advantageous because they are field-tested, and use existing LAN, WAN and virtual networks that are already established for computing and telecommunications. Radio over IP is not affected by signal transmission barriers, which are a common issue with analog radio communication devices. 

The radio interoperability solutions for commercial and service companies are customizable to your own specific needs. . If you are just switching to radio over IP (RoIP) from a PTT over IP solution, the process is even easier.  By simply connecting one or two consoles with a single local area network (LAN) using a radio of IP gateway your digital mobile radios in the field can be connected to the dispatch base station. From there, you can expand to a geographically distributed Wide Area Network (WAN), depending on your organization’s current demands.

Migrating Your Radio Dispatch to IP Transport

From utility providers to public safety agencies, many organizations rely on a fleet of vehicles to facilitate their operations. However, maintaining an efficient fleet isn’t just about having vehicles in their tip-top shape. It’s also about equipping those that man these vehicles with a reliable communication system. 

Traditionally, analog land mobile radio systems (LMRS) are used to link drivers, staff, and command center operators. Radio over Internet Protocol or RoIP for a fleet is being widely employed because of its many advantages. These include better responsiveness, improved interoperability, enhanced security, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. 

RoIP follows the same principle as the Voice over IP (VoIP) technology: Radio transmissions are sent and received using the Internet. Unlike their analog counterpart, voice data is digitalized and is transmitted via existing IP networks — eliminating signal transmission disruptions caused by location, terrain, and many other factors. 

In an IP-centric communication system, dispatch centers can monitor relevant situational information and talk to field staff more promptly. On the other hand, field officers can also relay vital information to their communication hubs more quickly. 

While switching to secure voice calls over IP is undoubtedly advantageous, transitioning to new technology can be challenging. If you are to migrate your radio dispatch to IP transport, you have to take into account the following: 

Your organization’s specific communication requirements. Communication requirements vary from one organization to another. If you are migrating to an IP-centric communication system, you must have a clear analysis of what you will need, both in the short and long run. This way, you can identify the specs of the particular dispatch system that can help carry your operations. 

The capability of your existing communication network. You also have to take note of the existing capabilities of your LMRS. If you’re introducing RoIP for your fleet, understand that any special features in your LMRS will also require special features in your new dispatch system. To ensure smooth communications, also make sure that your wide-area network will be compatible with your IP-based system’s design and bandwidth requirements. 

The needs of your dispatchers. With a new system comes a demand for new tools and equipment. As dispatchers play a crucial role in overseeing, processing, and relaying information and instructions to your field staff — you have to provide them with the resources they need to accomplish their tasks. There may be a need to upgrade the radio systems console with a fiber optic command and control console.

The technical knowledge of your staff. When incorporating secure voice calls over IP for your fleet, there is also a need to evaluate the level of technical knowledge of your human resource, especially those who are on-ground. Finding the right communication systems company in the USA that can implement your solution should really be the company that trains your team.

Your equipment partner. While having the right leadership and team is essential in smooth technology transitions, it’s also important to look for a credible supplier. Take note that the efficiency of your RoIP-incorporated communication system is also dependent on your technology and equipment provider. Choose a supplier that designs their products and systems with interoperability and scalability in mind. Your partner should be able to help you migrate successfully.