Dealing with Preventable Car Accidents

Sometimes, car accidents just can’t be avoided. However, there are some that you probably can avoid. Nowadays, due to the increasing number of cars each household owns, the volume of cars on the streets just gets higher. Oftentimes, people stop using public transportation in favor of owning their own cars or motorcycles and adding them to the number of cars frequently running down the streets. Along with the rise of the number of vehicles that frequent the streets is the rise of the occurrence of car accidents. 


There are many factors that contribute to the occurrence of car accidents. One such reason is the constant expanding of communities into the wild. Because of this, animals from these places are forced to look for new places to live in, and it is the reason why a lot of wild animals find themselves in the middle of the road a lot. Another is the complacence of young drivers who think they’re so good at driving nothing could happen to them, which could lead to them developing reckless driving habits and attitudes. Another is the lack of responsibility of car owners in properly maintaining their vehicles, hence a rise in the number of car accidents due to car malfunctions. All these reasons lead to supposedly avoidable accidents, though these reasons are only part of a whole list of reasons why avoidable car accidents are happening at an increased rate.

Unfortunately, cases of accidents due to intoxicated drivers are also on the rise. Such an accident is definitely avoidable. All the drunk driver has to do is give his/her keys to someone who isn’t over the legal drinking limit yet, or preferably to someone who didn’t drink. Despite the best efforts of private organizations such as MADD and the Ad Council, as well as those of local municipalities to inform and educate the public of the dangers of driving while intoxicated, it is a wonder why drivers still don’t get how serious things could get if they are irresponsible enough to do such a thing as drive when they’re drunk. 


Over speeding is also one of the more common reasons why preventable car accidents occur. If only motorists followed speed limits religiously, the volume of highway accidents in the US will most likely go down several notches. However, this problem is common not only with new drivers, but with some experienced drivers as well. Many drivers are guilty of beating traffic lights, or even disregarding the stop signs. Sudden stops on the highway, especially by speeding cars, causes a domino effect to those behind the speeding car, thus putting a lot of cars into a pileup, which could be fatal for some. By simply following traffic rules, people can avoid these preventable car accidents. 

One thing a car owner can do to reduce the likelihood of him getting into an accident is for him to regularly have his vehicle checked, especially the vital parts such as the brakes and wheels, among other things. This lowers the chances for you to get into an accident, which can save not only you but other drivers and passengers on the highway as well.


If you get into a car accident and you know it was the fault of the other driver, make sure to contact a car accident lawyer Bedford Park NY, so that you can strengthen your insurance claim for the damages you suffered. A good vehicle accident lawyer in Bronxdale makes it his/her priority to get as much compensation you can get from your insurance provider, as well as the other party’s, provided your lawyer is confident that you aren’t at fault. When you contact anaccident lawyer in Morris Heights, make sure you provide him/her with all the information that you need to strengthen your case, such as a complete account of the accident, an incident or police report or both, insurance information from the other party, and so on. Your personal injury claim Bronx can be strengthened if you have a good car accident lawyer on your side. Auto accident attorneys in Westchester make it their job to secure your win in your claim for personal injuries as well as all your other insurance claims, because they know just how hard it is to be caught in such an accident despite your best efforts to abide to traffic rules and be a responsible driver. These lawyers know how far damages go when it comes to car accidents.