Acne and Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a new and popular method of dealing with acne and problems associated with acne such as whiteheads, roughness, blackheads, and hyperpigmentation of the skin’s surface. It does not just deal with acne on facial skin, but includes those that affect the body, being a good option that replaces or compliments chemical peeling in dealing with acne that is mild and is not inflammatory.


Doctors specializing in dermatology and licensed skin care specialists utilize the procedure of microdermabrasion through removing the skin’s outmost layer, the epidermis, which contains dead skin cells. A machine that is operated by the hand would release a regulated stream of crystals that is brushed through the skin, causing it to be exfoliated (peeling) and causing the dead skin cells to be suctioned (vacuuming). This results in eliminating the toxins that cause clogged pores, increased blood circulation, and rejuvenations of the skin. This also results in improving the skin’s color and glow.

The skin then becomes more smooth with the enlarge pores diminished and dark spots from preceding acne breakouts being lightened. Even on the first treatment, results can be seen, but a succession of treatments, usually every two weeks, would engender better results. Only a minor discomfort would be felt, and activities of daily living can be carried out without any disturbance to the healing process.

After the skin is rejuvenated, maintaining the skin with intermittent treatments and personalized regimen for skin care should be done to control acne breakouts.


This procedure, despite being harmless and effective, cannot be performed on everybody. To some people, it could be destructive and could aggravate a skin disorder. This is why it is wise to only consult registered and competent dermatologists who would assess your skin before recommending the treatment to you.

This procedure, also available in Microdermabrasion centers in Randolph, NJ, is contraindicated to persons that have the following skin conditions because it would only exacerbate the disorder: inflammatory acne, acne rosacea, skin that is sensitive or fragile, thin-skinned, capillaries that are visible and/or broken, and skin that is disposed to hyperpigmentation. Persons with these skin conditions should rather just seek a skin care routine at home for acne that reduces the accumulation of dead skin cells, infrequent mild chemical peeling, and acne treatments for Roxbury Township, especially that are performed professionally.


Microdermabrasion is indicated for persons with: acne scars that are mild, whiteheads and blackheads (and other non-inflammatory acne), rough skin, and skin that is thick, dull, and produces excessive oil.

If you plan on having a microdermabrasion in Hacketttstown, NJ, you have to get the opinion first of a trusted doctor (a weight loss doctor in New Jersey can be of great help in determining the best choice). One of these doctors who can perform microdermabrasion is Dr. Shefila Shah of theSkylands Medical Group in New Jersey.