IP Based Switching equipment
/Some of the most important elements of broadband networks are cross connects, sometimes referred to as switches. The main function of cross connects is to provide easy and flexible bandwidth and good connectivity management for network providers. In our present scenario, one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to route voice and data is by IP Switching devices. Innovation in IP connectivity is driven by forward thinking communications technology engineers. The finance industry, for example, requires thousands of trades a second and demands extremely precise switching. For RoIP, VoIP and data transmission applications, a layer 2 and 3 router is best, and many enterprise-class switches meet this requirement.
Orion Systems Inc has a seven-layer model, which is considered the blueprint for data communications architects in the US. Switches can reside in layer 2, the data link layer, or in layer 3, the network layer. The advantage of putting the switching in layer 3 is that it allows full IP based switching. You can scale your network as you need, putting switching nodes wherever they are most appropriate while adding flexibility for the future. Switching solutions should always consider system flexibility, interoperability between systems, and technology insertion for advanced capabilities as supremely important in their design.
As we have seen, the use of RTP in an interchange standard like those proposed by VSF means that multiple asynchronous switches should pose no threat to a video signal. But to accomplish this distributed scaling with level 2 switches – as proposed by the AVB (audio video bridging) protocol, or by some vendors with broadcast-specific knowledge in the switch – means adding tailored media solutions, that don’t rely on the IT mainstream. You will find some systems integrators and vendors do suggest level 2 switching.
Business Benefits of IP Switching Infrastructure:
In today's environment, many organizations are keen to expand their traditional business to leverage digital channels that improve interaction with customers and maintain strong relationships with them. That includes an ability to connect analog radios using ip networks. The backbone of the internet is the primary source used for our most cost-effective connectivity between clients, organizations are investing heavily on IP based communications. Investing in the IP based infrastructure will have mutual benefits for your company. Nowadays clients are demanding more flexibility and freedom to connect with vendors 24/7 and are using IP based communications as their preferred choice.
Location Independence is one of the key benefits of using high quality IP Switching equipment. Secure voice communications are important for security teams, law enforcement and first responders. Orion Systems helps these entities connect using RoIP, digital data and a VoIP infrastructure plus secure mobile communication devices and red black switches based at a command and control centre.
Deploy and Maintain a Single network for all
In order to control communication costs with your clients all the time, it will be important to leverage existing IP networks. Many companies today are using multiple internet gateways in their physical offices and using cloud-based voice/data managed services.
Rapid Deployment of new applications:
Another key benefit of an IP based PBX console is a company’s ability to enable innovative applications remotely. Technology continues to change very quickly and a flexible architecture will allow new applications to be installed quicker. Applications that are written for open sourced operating systems work well with the voice and radio bridging devices manufactured by Orion Systems.
In conclusion, understand that the IP based switching equipment on the market today provide organizations a powerful advantage to companies that wish to provide better customer service and improve client relationships.