Isolating Sensitive Voice Data for Transmission
/Secure communication channels have long been one of the most crucial aspects of reaching successful outcomes in command and control situations. On the battlefield, voice transmission is an efficient means of providing real-time information. All types of campaigns depend voice communications through a chain of command to coordinate troops, to relay orders and disseminate directives from leadership.
Many factors have created a scenario in which military forces, elite police teams and others who rely on the secure transmission of voice and data have found themselves depending more on public IP networks. The widespread availability of service, even in the most remote areas of the world, coupled with the substantial cost savings obtained by eliminating the need for dedicated transmission networks make the use of the public internet a reality for the modern crime fighting in all types of engagement types.
Red/Black Encryption Architecture
A longstanding concept in military COMSEC efforts is red/black encryption. The premise of the idea is to keep data separated based on its particular type – “sensitive” or “safe.”
Red Side Sensitive Data:
The red side of the system isolates all data that command deems as "sensitive." The red side receives and protects unencrypted data until encryption converts the information to “safe.” The red side of a COMSEC system stays secure through means of wire shielding and distance separation of the red and black sides, and in the case of software-controlled systems, through agency-approved isolation software.
Black Side Safe Data:
Once the encryption process renders the data "safe," it moves to the black side of the system for transport. Personnel can use the Black area of the system to communicate all non-sensitive messages and transmit encrypted data received from the red side. Also, the black side receives encrypted information for transfer to the red side for deciphering.
VoIP Transmission Security
Implementing a secure RoIP encryption measures when broadcasting voice over IP (VoIP) is a practical solution to keeping data uncompromised. One method of accomplishing this is by setting up two mirrored network systems isolated from each other except for a single secure data pathway between the two.
When the need arises to set up a red/black dispatch, the dispatch operator sets the appropriate settings for a red/black switch to allow the applicable side to receive the message and to terminate the other side's ability to receive. The black switch directs plain or encrypted voice data to the black side, and the red switch directs unencrypted sensitive data to the red side for processing.
Applying red/black protocol over RoIP gateways is a proven method for effectively securing voice communication. Working with a qualified encrypted communications vendor for military operations can provide a cost-effective and secure means of quick setup for battlefield communications.